First Auto grow, a few weeks to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Light: 400 and 600 hps
Medium: coco
Nutrients: Fora series with floralicious
Additives: Bud Blood, Big Bud and Carboload by advanced nutrients
Strain: Auto flowering White Dwarf and Syurp by Buddha seeds

This is my first auto flower grow and so far I'm pretty happy. I planted these strait into 3 gallon pots expecting them to stay relatively small... there now over 4 feet so I'm afraid thats gonna hurt my yield. Its also a pain in the ass watering twice a day! These must be abnormally large for autoflowers? I dont think I'll be growing an auto flower again unless there are smaller strains out there that finish quicker. My regular grows would only take a few weeks longer and be about the same size.

Here's some shots. They have a bit of N tox but, other then that I think they look healthy.

