First Auto Grow - Fastbuds GSC | Phoenix Big Yield

Hey guys, I’m new here and glad to find a place like this.

Here is a photo of my current run. Running 3 Fastbuds GCS’s, a freebie Phoenix Big Yield as well as a freebie BCN Critical.

The BCN was seriously stunted from the get go. It popped the soil on 4/21. I only had a 1gal container left, so it went into that. I decided to let it run too see what it would do. My other plants had no issues getting going like this BCN, so I’ll just chalk it up to genetics.

On day 25 with the 3gal GSC and 3gal Phoenix. The other two GSC’s are at 17 and 20 days, not too far off from one another.

All of my plants have been LST’d starting at day 14. They seem to have responded very well to them.

The other night I left acirculating fan on high and inadvertently pointed directly at the furthermost left 5gal GSC. The very top of that plant wilted down a bit, from what I’m assuming was wind burn. The rest of the plant was unaffected.

my setup for anyone curious:

4x2 tent
Maxsisun 2020 PB2000 @ 24in
Fox Farm Ocean Forrest
Fox Farm Trio
Average temp and RH: 78f | 55%

The BCN showed nutrient deficiencies at around day 26-27, which is right on par with the 4-5 weeks of no nutrients with the FFOF

So far so good in my opinion. I haven’t had too many major issues other than my house AC needing to be replaced over this past weekend. I sat for two days with temps in the high 80’s / low 90’s waiting for the repair man. The plants didn’t seem to mind though, in fact the Phoenix in particular was pretty vigorous over the weekend.

With my inexperience, I’d like to ask some more experienced growers the classic “How are they looking?”


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I can’t speak much to how they look as This is my first year growing autos as well BUT... from what I do know the plants look prettty good. I’m ruining 2 fast buds gs as well so I’ll be watching this one.