First bad experience

I must have gotten some _really_ strong stuff. I smoked a bowl, and 10 minutes later I can't figure out what is going on with anything. I hear people talking on the TV and am wondering what the noise coming out of their faces is, everything I do feels repetetive, and absolutely nothing makes any sense. All my memories are coming at me at once, and I start to wonder if I'm actually really old and dying and this is my life flashing before my eyes. Way scary; not fun.

The next day, I'm still having trouble focusing, and two days after things still feel a bit "unreal." You guys ever have such an experience, and how long did it take to get back to normal?


Well-Known Member
I must have gotten some _really_ strong stuff. I smoked a bowl, and 10 minutes later I can't figure out what is going on with anything. I hear people talking on the TV and am wondering what the noise coming out of their faces is, everything I do feels repetetive, and absolutely nothing makes any sense. All my memories are coming at me at once, and I start to wonder if I'm actually really old and dying and this is my life flashing before my eyes. Way scary; not fun.

The next day, I'm still having trouble focusing, and two days after things still feel a bit "unreal." You guys ever have such an experience, and how long did it take to get back to normal?

i feel like that with sativa

and still kinda get that way when i smoke but not much

just get in a chill enviroment listen to music and eat

oh and i belive i have depreonalization were i feel unreal

but its kinda gone away

just do what i do and just take a few hits

when i get high i FLIP shit and get scared unless im with a chick who i can cuddle lmao

i love being buzzed

your fine man you might actually have a weed hangover and that lasts like a good week or so


Well-Known Member
A weed hangover...that lasts a week?


Maybe it's because I've smoked every day for the last five or six years but that sounds ridiculous lol no offense ty

Weed effects everyone differently ii guess lol


Well-Known Member
I smoked sensi star for the first and the only time once..... All audio became unaudible. My mind was racing so fast I could not concentrate anything.

I said fuck it, went to bed and decided to never smoke anything with the name star in it.


Well-Known Member
A weed hangover...that lasts a week?


Maybe it's because I've smoked every day for the last five or six years but that sounds ridiculous lol no offense ty

Weed effects everyone differently ii guess lol

yeah man like if i get stoned when i uselly am not used to it i get groggy the week after


Well-Known Member
I've found that copious alcohol attenuates the paranoia, ect

yeah me and my friend were chilling smoking a bowl in gorigia at a motel (this was when i was going to Florida trying to get away from my step dad)

and i only had 5 tokes to keep my mind off it

then i chugged down a four loko and got fucked up so bad i thought i was having a heart attack cuz its alcohol mixed with caffeine and with the weed it was unpleasant to say the least lol


Well-Known Member
Minor panic attack combined with low tolerance dose of strong weed = faced.

Completely normal to not understand language, given those variables. I have tripped harder than that on weed. Enjoy the fact that you can get off in a way that others often can't on THC. I have to fuckle with my tolerance to get that kind of high now, but it's almost guaranteed I will trip balls if I take a month off first. Usually I can still understand english, but with an overwhelming awareness of the nature of my own inner reality and the black hole therein which represents the void of uncertainty and unknowability that exists beyond the boundaries of my perceivable inner space.

But I totally remember one time I had some company that I hadn't seen in years and I was socially anxious... got REALLY high and it did the opposite of helping... within about five minutes I lost my ability to perceive the nature of a human being... they were just BEINGS with the endless light of spirit pouring through them. Same for my cockatiels in the same room. I was like "OH GOD, WE PUT YOU IN A CAGE D:"