First Bubbleponic Grow - Bubblelicious & Sour Cream

First Bubbleponic Grow - AF Bubblelicious & Fem. Sour Cream

Grow Room Setup:

Utility Room - noninsulated 8ft x 5ft x 8.5ft
Grow cabinet inside room - 72"x48"x20.5"
Mylar walls - chambers - Clone and Veg/Flower
Light - 400w MH/HPS
EasyCool6 hood with two 80CFM fans (one pushes, other pulls)
3 Bubblelicous seeds are in a StealthHydro Bubbleponic kit
1 Sour cream in a DWC bubble bucket
Hydrofarm CO2 regulator and 20 lb tank
T5 light for clones, used root riot cubes to germinate.
Currently running 18/6 for my light schedule.

Temps were averaging 99F at start, exhausted hood to outside now I average around 88-90F during the day and 68-70 at night. Plants look healthy still though. Should I have an intake to bring cool air thru the hood from the outside? I am worried about the onset of MI winter. I want to use the heat from the light to keep the room wamer. I am 3 weeks into the grow and the babies are bushy and healthly. Lower leaves on one of teh Bubblelicious plants have some yellow on the leaf tips (only on the lower leaf sets). Is this a Magnesium deficiency? I am using Advanced Nutrients in my system. Is my CO2 being used efficiently with my current ventilation setup? My distribution ring is above my 400w light, with many small holes drilled in it. When CO2 is on full blast, I can barely feel CO2. Should I drill bigger holes? I have Co2 to come on for 1.75 hrs when the light just turns on and then every 15 mins on/off.

Water temps are averaging 78F, is this too hot? How should I cool? or keep cool?

Feel free to comment/make suggestions. :leaf::-P


Odor control

What can I do about the pleasant, but unwanted smell? Currently I cannot smell anything outside the room, but I know the scent will become worse upon flowering. Where should I place a Carbon scrubber in my system? I currently pull air from inside the utility room thru the hood then pull it to the outside. Two 80 CFM inline fans are mounted on each side of teh cabinet, one pushing, one pulling thru the EasyCool6. Hot air is then exhausted outside. Anyone had luck with Ionizers? Ozone Generators? I am open to all suggestions!


Well-Known Member
Your environmental temps are a bit high. I'd look to try to bring them down at least 5F, 10 wouldn't be a bad goal. Try some different configurations. I would start with a fresh air intake near the bottom of the cabinet to bring in cool, fresh air to the plants. That cooler air should drop temps a little and help cool your light. If that doesn't work try bringing cool air straight into the lamp.

Your res temps are too high as well. Not "it's gonna kill your plants" high, but you're getting sub-optimal O2 saturation at those temperatures. Bad microbes like warmer water and water that's lower in dissolved O2, and you'll have both conditions at 78F. You can try painting the top white or covering it with something white to reflect some extra light back away. For your Bubbleponic I would suggest aluminum tape or something similar. That top is not light-tight and you'll see some algae or similar microbial growth before long. Just that will probably not get the res temperatures down to 69F (where I'd recommend) but you should get close enough to be safe. To get any cooler than that and you'd probably need a chiller with is a bit of a step.

For smell, just make sure all your exhaust runs through a carbon filter and you should be good.
I got the temps down, roughly to 78F. They look alot better. I went away this weekend, filled the systems to the full water line mark. Upon returning today, my humidity went way upppp. Condensation on all ways and the floor is soaked. I thought I had a leak but the bubble buckets look fine to me. Soaked up as much water as I could and put an additional fan in there to dry the excess up. I also turned off the lights early tonight to further investigate the issue. 80% humidity at 78F temp was my max recorded over the weekend. Need help, what should I do? I thought winters were drier months.


When I see these pictures, and I know
I have followed EVERY DETAIL of design with
my bubbleponic thing,
I know I am a fucking failure.