first CA outdoor grow


New Member
Hey everybody first time poster here. So I have a few questions about my grow but I will first give you and idea of what I've got.
I have two small clones in gallon pots and 4 1-1.5ft clones in 5 gallon pots.. I bought them from the dispensary that way. I used a mixture of fox farm happy frog and ocean blend as my soil. Additionally I have the fox farm trio as my nutrients. Here is my question...
The fox farm nutrient schedule only goes on a twelve week growing schedule, so I'm assuming that this is the nutrient schedule under lights. Since I am growing outside, I thought that the harvesting season didn't start till August. With that said, for the application of nutrients, do I use the vegging nutes (Grow Big) for the next 3 months or so and then switch to the flowering nutes (blossom builder) or do I just wait till I see the plant strarting to flower?
I know this may not be too clear but any help would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Go with the Veg until at least middle July then when you start seeing pistils. Start the bloom regimen. keepem green


Active Member
It's all going to depend on the plant. I like to start feeding them water and brown sugar once the hairs turn at least 25% amber and I flush for two weeks.
Also Im concerned about the amount of space given for your plants roots. 5 gal isn't enough space to maximize yield. I go upwards of 20 gal on each plant