First CFL Grow. Bring on the Input.


It has been a week or so since my last post and a lot has changed in my grow. So i figured i'd get some more input to (hopefully) make my grow better.

Here's a link to what i HAD about a week ago <---- LINK

Many things have changed.

I took the advice from my first set-up to line the insides with white paper. Which i did flawlessly on another token i took the advice on changing the bulbs.. I'm still iffy on this one as my plants started to freak out and one died shortly after changing the bulbs. It could also have been me stressing them from moving them to a new soil medium. I trashed the Miracle grow HydraLock stuff and am now using FoxFarm Ocean Forest. I changed the bulbs and soil on the same day I originally used 4, but it seemed to kill my plants .. in such a small area understandable. So i went back to using 2 of the new 6500k

QUICK STATS of what changed.

:arrow: Changed the Soil Medium from Miracle grow to FoxFarm Ocean Forest
:arrow: Changed the Lights from 2x 13w Daylight to 2x 26w 6500k Daylight
:arrow: Lined the Insides of the Tote with White Paper
:arrow: Wired and Installed 2 fans in the box for airflow [one input one output] (Thought this could help a lot)

While i was at the Hydro Store i purchased some Foxfarms GrowBig, and TigerBloom

I read somewhere on this forum that ocean forest doesnt need nutes or anything for two weeks from when you switch mediums so all i have been adding is water that ive left out for a few days to the soil for water (I have Hard Water at my house so i used my PUR filter)

I understand that I have given a lot of information but hope i will get a bunch of feed
back. The pictures below are the newest.. one of my plants is heavily damaged but it is fighting really well so i dont want to get ahead of myself by germing some new seeds before i know this is one is beyond helping and/or if my box is whats killing it.

Thanks for Any input!



Is it just the one fan you have in there? What are the temps in the box? Hopefully now that you have it in Fox Farm soil it should do better the nuts in MG probably didnt help with the seedlings. Hope it all turns out ok.


There's two fans in the box, Theres one feeding in (on bottom) and one feeding out on top)

I'm not really sure what the temps are.. but i'm guessing it's probably around 80 degrees in there as it is about 68 in my house if not a little warmer, and then the heat from the lights .


Active Member
Kinda wondering why you don't use a closet, or cabinet. I understand what ur doing, but those plants are surely goin to outgrow that tote. Looks good tho, good luck, I used cfls too. Just finished my first run, waiting for the bud to dry, what do u think :cool:



Active Member
Kinda wondering why you don't use a closet, or cabinet. I understand what ur doing, but those plants are surely goin to outgrow that tote. Looks good tho, good luck, I used cfls too. Just finished my first run, waiting for the bud to dry, what do u think :cool:
Dude...way to represent!!! You make us CFLer's proud.


Well-Known Member
I had a whole damn page of info wrote up for you and somehow I erased it!!! That pissed me off so I had to say it lol..

I'll sum it up,

Exhaust should be at the top, "pushing air out". Intake at the bottom bringing cold air in. Or you could put both exhaust at the top and have one big hole for a "passive intake." Basically creates negative pressure which draws in plenty of cool air, thats how I just set up my mother cab.. Pics attached! Its staying within 2-4 degrees of ambient temp so I know it works and plenty of other people are using the same thing on here. Either way you should be good if the temp in the room is 68-70. You absolutely have to have ventalation though so that was your problem starting off.

Nutes, Your right FFOF "I've been told" you don't need nutes for 3-4 weeks.. Its really your call but it is true, take a look at my plants if you want. Also check out the Fox farm site and they have a feeding schedule you can go off of when your ready.

It looks like you may be overwatering, when there seedlings its easy to do. Once they develop a root system they start to drink more water. Try cutting down the watering to once every 2-3 days.. "Thats if you watering them in really good." You can also just mist the soil every day or use a dropper.. I think it would be eaiser for you to let them dry out a little then water, just my opinion.

Just to give you an idea I have my little ones in party cups and I water 1 double shot each, every 2-3 days and mist the leaves before bed every other day.

Here's a couple pics, my mother cab "1 exhaust 1 passive intake hole." And my ShortRiders that have been going strong for 7 weeks now just dropped to 12/12 tonight!!


barefoot and stoned

Well-Known Member
I don't know that that white paper is going to be a very good reflective surface. You could just paint the whole inside of the box white or go to walmart and buy one of those reflectors you put in your windshield to keep it cool...that's what I did for my grow.


Well-Known Member
I don't know that that white paper is going to be a very good reflective surface. You could just paint the whole inside of the box white or go to walmart and buy one of those reflectors you put in your windshield to keep it cool...that's what I did for my grow.

Thats what I have in that mother cab I just posted lol.. I just cut it up and duct taped it.
You can also by the emergency blanket in the camping section of walmart. Its like 2 bucks and you get a bunch of it.

barefoot and stoned

Well-Known Member
Thats what I have in that mother cab I just posted lol.. I just cut it up and duct taped it.
You can also by the emergency blanket in the camping section of walmart. Its like 2 bucks and you get a bunch of it.
That's the exact one I have looks like haha...I've heard mixed reviews about the emergency blankets but never tried it myself.



Here's what it looks like as of yesterday.

Note i do have the intake fan lower than the output fan. i bought a thermometer for the box. which says it is sitting at about 85 degrees, i know it is too hot, i'm just trying to find a solution. perhaps turning the box on its side or something. i'll figure out another build for my next one. this was just a trial run anyways to see if it was possible.

again open to input.

i also just thought to change one of the bulbs from a 26w 6500k to a 13w daylight (i dont know the lumens) this might bring down the heat a few degrees.



im using the white paper also on the inside and its working pretty damn well, i like your set up - its very similar to mine. you are gonna need a few more CFLs to get it nice and buddy, id say go to home depot get some Y socket joints and double up on the lights in there for less than 10 bucks. FFOF i hear has food for about a month and im crossing that line atm, but depending on ur veggie time im using just water and molasses to give basic nutes till i flower in a week or so. good luck!