First Cfl Grow (Sweet Dwarf , Kandy kush , ak X lr2)


Hi guys :)

Let me start by introducing myself , I have recently become very intrested in growing weed for personal use. Last summer I was given a Cheese plant cutting from a freind , I stuck this outside in a pot over the summer and let it do its own thing. I did not add any nutes , feed or anything else but water to it.... However a few weeks ago when the cold nights set in it become apparent that this plant would not survive the cold nights so I moved it inside and threw it under a 125w red spec cfl.

Here are some of the pics I got from it:

Check out the crystals......

The setup
Because I grew the above so badly with hardly any care it inspired me to actually put some effort into a grow and try and do it properly and so work on this project has began!

First I took a old clothes cabinet I had and took the wooden parts from the inside of each draw to leave me with this:

I covered the inside with reflective material and stuck a 125w blue spec cfl with a reflecter / hanger inside:

On the rear of the cabinet I have 2 pc fans (out take and intake) hooked up via phone chargers.

The seeds
I had some issues here , first I ordered 2X Advanced Seeds Sweet dwarf (auto flower + fem). With these I got a reserva privada kandy kush seed (also fem but none auto). I germinated the 3 seeds sucessfully and planted them into soil (organic soil mix for orchids). However that night my light collapsed and fell ontop of my pots knocking over all 3 of them :dunce:. I scooped up the soil , dug out the seeds and repotted them (and fixed my light to make sure it wont happen again) . I watered using some superthrive to help deal with the shock and 24 hours later the kandy kush and one of the sweet dwarf shown its head! The second sweet dwarf however showed no sighns of life and after a week longer in my cabinet I dug the seed back out and could see no real change it in since the germ process I scrapped the seed for this reason and ordered a Ak47 X lowryder Autoflower seed from attitude again I got a free gift , this time it was a "special Kush" seed but im not planting that one yet :). These new seeds will (should) arrive with me tommorow.

I am using Superthrive (since day one).
Fox farm grow big (from week two)
And the rest of fox farm range when flowering hits :).

Im told that a range of ph 6.5-7.0 is good currenlty I have a ph reading of 7 but when I start to add fert im thinking the soi will become slightly more acidic , wich if I have my ph scale rememberd right would bring it down somewhere to the perfect range of 6.5-7.0 , of course its something I intend to monitor.

Here are some pics of the kandy kush and sweet dwarf for now though can you guys let me know what you think as im worried there a bit small but maybe im wrong on that or its just shock from when my light knocked them over. All advice is appeciated as im new to this stuff :).


Sweet Dwarf


No , or do you mean the cheese plant? If so this plant was a cutting from a freind as I said but he paid for all the lights ect and just kept it in my grow room for half the yield. I had some input but mostly let him do what he wants with it as im concentrating on my own little side project that I know has been done properly from day one. I have no idea why he trimmed the leafs off though he seemed to think he knew what he was doing at the time.... lol. Now you see why I am doing a seperate grow for myself I hope :).


Hmm just turned the cfl on with the cheese plant off and noticed these litle things popping there heads up in the soil 0.o

Any idea what these are or where they could of come from , the soil was tomato plant soil and its been in my cupboard now for about 3 weeks so I don't see where they have come from :X.
