First Conductivity/PH Pen Decision


Well-Known Member
First world problem. Blue lab has a lot of reputation, and expensive kit. I just want a good first time experience and not waste money or time.

Im on the fence, could use some suggestions or advice. I’m looking over blue labs cheapest meters and comparing it to a couple mid-line all in one kinda deals by other manufacturers. My experiences at is sometimes the best companie’s cheapest offerings are not as good or friendly as the competition’s mid-level.
Bluelab PENGTB Grower's Toolbox with pH Pen, Conductivity Tester

HM Digital Com-300 Ph/Tds/EC/Temp Meter

Hanna Combo pH/EC/TDS/C/PPM Tester HI98129

Thanks in advance for any help or advise.
I'd get the bluelab. If you say you don't want to waste time then don't waste time with cheap meters giving you off readings. Spend a few bucks and get something good. The toolbox goes on sale here and there.
The alternates I’m looking at are not the $11-29 varieties that are plentiful on the Zon. Those I very much agree apply to your statement. But the ones I’m looking at purchasing are the $100-150 all in ones going against the blue lab kit currently priced $160 on sale. The $150 one from Hanna is also tempting, and I think I’ve seen their brand vouched for by a couple growers on the interwebs. But if they are a waste of time, one blue lab vote noted, thank you.
Blue Lab Truncheon for PPM/EC
General Hydroponics Dropper tester for PH (Fool proof and doesn't need batteries or maintenance)

I wouldn't recommend the BlueLab PH pens they have always died right after the warranty is up, usually they will fail to calibrate after a year or so. I've followed all directions too, the probes are never not stored in KCI storage solution and they still will fail to calibrate after about a year..

If you want to fork out some cash get the BlueLab METCOM Guardian its like $240 on Amazon but you can replace the probes themselves if they go bad vs replacing the entire device.
Just looked into the truncheon, it’s awesome, but seems limited to only being useful when mixing up a bucket of solution. I’m looking for one I can use on smaller samples too.

And I do have that ph up/down kit from general hydro on the way, it has included in it the ol fashioned drop test solution. I hope to use that as a primary, any meter would be a occasional use/verification.
Just looked into the truncheon, it’s awesome, but seems limited to only being useful when mixing up a bucket of solution. I’m looking for one I can use on smaller samples too.

And I do have that ph up/down kit from general hydro on the way, it has included in it the ol fashioned drop test solution. I hope to use that as a primary, any meter would be a occasional use/verification.
The truncheon is great. As long as you have enough liquid to reach the sensor you're fine. I'd imagine it could sample the same size samples as the pen.

You'd be well off if you went the route of the Bluelab Grower's Toolbox set.

If anything you'd want to switch your tool priority list. Meter first, drops as confirmation. The Bluelab pH pen has an indicator that let's you know when it's due for recalibration with testing solution.