First DWC Attempt with CFLs and Bagseed, Just Entered 12/12 Cycle

hey man nice grow looks mean nd healthy hey um im doing a grow nd i jus transplanted to dwc but in a big tub sorta setup that ive got 15 small net pots in nd a good air stone it holds 79 litres its heaps nd everything good ph is 6 6.1 nd some are loving it but others are like going lil beown nd shrivling new growth wats my pron mate could you help me out mate
hey chopper, did you ever get some pics of your plants that was giving you trouble? Sorry for the slow post, been working out of town the last few weeks and have had little play time.. regarding the plants that weren't hangin' well, could it be they weren't getting nutes from underneath??
Nice dude... nice.
Yo Void! sup bro??? thanks for the kudos maan. Good to see a fellow texan here!
I'm pretty happy with my first DWC attempt, not bad for bagseed, I ended up with several small skunk clones that went to flower right away from that one skunk female I grew and they were small but sweet too, it added about another ounce to my yield of skunk from the one plant. So I ended up with about a four oz. of skunk buds and about an ounce of kush bud and about an ounce of Chronic Fruit Juice. The frikkin Chronic is totally dank and clean off the hook. It has the most aromatic citrus smell, somewhere between watermelon hard candy and piney/lemon, Trikes are insane on the chronic too, only strain I've seen that has as many trichomes on the stems under the buds like this one did. It was just covered in glitter dude and was potent as hell.
Just yesterday I harvested the last of my little Chronic plant two days ago as well as the last popcorn buds I left on the skunk as they weren't mature even after the second harvest.
So now my closet grow tent is empty, of plants, still got a bunch of crap in there I need to police up. I'm going to redo my whole grow setup for the next round coming up soon. I recently bought two 48 qt. Igloo white marine ice chest/coolers, I removed the plastic tops off them and made new tops out of two inch insulation boards which have two cut outs for 6" net pots per cooler so I'll be able to do four plants out of two 48 qt. coolers. This is will help my water temp problem I had all along with the first grow plus it increases my capacity for nutes/water a little so I won't have to top off as often. I hope I can put one frozen brick in each cooler on Monday morning and with any luck it will help keep my water temp under 72-75 degrees by Friday afternoon. I travel a lot with my job and sometimes I have to leave Monday morning and don't return til Friday night so I really need a better solution than 5 gallon buckets. Also, I think it'll be easier on the next two grows for me as they should be finished before next summer's heat arrives and this year has been a killer, hottest on record I think they said. Certainly won't hurt to grow in the cooler months but I have no doubt the new Igloo coolers and tops will do the trick!
Anybody know Anything about the “Three A Light” Book and if it’s Ever been or going to be Uploaded/PDF’d at all..? I’ve been searching everywhere and somebody has to have put up something or a Torrent of the “secret” pictures or something.. ?.? Hmmm blah