First DWC grow--> General questions

I searched the forum, couldn't find any answers to the following questions, any advice helps:
-When do I change the water if I do not have a ppm tester?
-How do I know if the plants are hungry?
-What are the most common problems/ mistakes when doing DWC?


You need an ec/ppm meter in dwc. If the ppm is to high they die very very quick and you monitor there hunger with it's well.I don't recommend dwc without has them for cheap with free shipping.


Well-Known Member
1. Get a meter. It's a must have. Typically you change solution every 7-10 days, but I push it longer when they are young and aren't feeding much. I start mine with an EC of .5. Don't use the 'recommended dosage' schedules, they are often way too much for bucket grows.
2. They will usually start to get lime green when it comes to young seedlings. Later in life, a myriad of symptoms can show up.
3. High solution temps that lead to slime

good luck!


Well-Known Member
I been going to get 1 for a few years now,I think it would make it easier,but if I pay close att. to my plants they will tell me.
I start off with less than mfg calls for & add to it usually