First dwc grow getting very bushy but not tall help please


Active Member
If your nutes, Ph and temps are right then it might just be genetics. Mine were growing bushy just like yours but I soon as I switched to 12/12 they took off like rockets into space. Grew about a foot in a month of veg. Now a month into flowering and they are 3+ feet tall!


cheers for reply's! well i havnt got no air coming into the tent, just an air circulater fan and an extracter, the geez from the hydroponic shop told me u should be fine at this time of year as long as u keep ur temp's 80 or below! is it that important then? have been wondering since i started!
wait you say 12 to 14 EC?!?!? that's like 8000 PPM... if you meant 1.2 to 1.4 thats like ~800PPM. either way you put it, thats way to much PPM for such young and tiny plant...

might want to dial those PPM's down to around 4~500 and what are your ambient and res temps? humidity?


well im gonna check it all tomorrow, but i have a guide which tells me 12 to 14 cf, which i will double check tomorrow, my growtent temp is between 70 and 80 but i have nothing to test humidity. Think im gonna change my res to just ph'ed water for a few days before i change to 12/12 and bloom nutes, see if that makes any difference, will let u know tomorrow my exact nute level and temp's etc, thanks for ur help, much apreciated im only a noob to all this. lol!


Well-Known Member
no way it says 12-14 i thought you ment 1.2-1.4 if you are corect im surprised that they are still alive. i was asking about air to your roots. my bad shoulda specified.


Well-Known Member
If he's right those numbers are pretty high for such a young plant.
But dude, those are some straight bad ass indica traits you got showing there.
Just keep vegging! they'll explode soon.