first ever grow! 400w hps all help welcomed

So i,ve started a grow and need all the help I can get.

There are 3 nl5 haze mist plants (4 days under 400w hps light). And I plan to incorporate 6 more plants.

Im growing in a 4x4ft grow room with and exhaust fan. Im running a 400w hps light as seen in the pictures. What should I add to the room apart from a temp/humidity meter.

BIG PS: i cannot find any perlite available for sale anywhere in my country. There is a guy that sells vermiculite only. Should I buy that? Im also thinking about using a soil/organic compost, worm humus and sand for drainage. Do you have any better thoughts on what to use for drainage? Should I use the vermiculite?

I want to transplant my plants to 3 gallon pots. When should I do so? I will keep pics posted.

Feedback on what to do after looking at the pictures. I also will use biobizz nuts for veg,flower and bloomer.


Born Again Vegan

Active Member
Hey dude getting an oscillating fan would be a good idea, aimed just above your plants so they sway in the breeze.
With that many plants in that size pots I'd also put a 600w in there instead of the 400W.
As for potting up what size pots are they in now and how long have they been in there for? I usually veg mine in 3l pots for two to three weeks before they go into the three gals. Make sure they are well rooted before they go up a size.


Well-Known Member
Veg them for 2 weeks more then transplant em.
I agree 10 nl/haze plants is too many for a 4x4 with 400w, I use a 4x4 as well with 600w and 200 supplemental watts of flouro and can't flower 10 plants properly of any decent size, especially anything sativa. 6 plants max unless they are real small, haze influence will make that plant stretch quite a bit probably.
How far away is your light?, they look like theyre reaching a bit. Fans are good, just enough for a light breeze. Oscillating.
What growing medium are you using? And yes, just get the vermiculite, maybe you'll find some perlite one day, but verm is good too.
Use bottled water for the first couple weeks if possible, with the lowest ppm u can find. U don't have ph issues that way.
That's just my (more than) 2cents.