First Ever Grow - How Much Longer? PICS


Have a look at my plant, first grow. Im using hydro and 400W light. I had no idea she would get this big! I can see the buds coming along, see below pics. Shes been flowering for just under a month now, (29th Nov). The strain is Super Silver Haze. I have read somwhere that this is strain has a long ass flowering time. Any ideas how much longer she may need? How will i know when shes ready? Can i do anything to increase growth in the mean time? I had 'topped' a few of the colas before they started developing. other than that, ive not done anything special.

Is there anything i can do to stop her getting so damn tall? I had to bend the shit out of her, and move the lights around etc as she was getting too cose and burning the top cola!

I also realise this is hard to tell, but if anyone had any rough estimate as to how much she may yeild, it would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,




Well-Known Member
i think you got 6 weeks left. my plant looks very similar and its been 12/12 for 7 days now and i'd also like to know how to keep this thing from getting so tall its 6 ft now, I'm thinkin i still got 6 weeks left i don't know what to do?


Well-Known Member
when those buds get 9 inches long and as round as your wrist big and fat2 months easy


maaaan you got like 90-120 days left on that haze. those things bloom forever.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Super Silver Haze is sativa dominant I think, and that means it will have a long flowering time. I'd say you have close to 2 months left on that.

To adjust the plant I would recommend super-cropping. It's like "bending" or LST, but you are physically creating a sharp angle (90 degrees) by controlled snapping of the stem. It sounds extreme, but they can take it. After a few days the area you snapped with stiffen up and heal over just fine, creating a knot so-to-speak in the stem. I find I have to do it multiple times as the plant turns back up towards the light. You can do it all the way through flower and be fine. Do some reading on the may be just what you need!


Super Silver Haze is sativa dominant I think, and that means it will have a long flowering time. I'd say you have close to 2 months left on that.

To adjust the plant I would recommend super-cropping. It's like "bending" or LST, but you are physically creating a sharp angle (90 degrees) by controlled snapping of the stem. It sounds extreme, but they can take it. After a few days the area you snapped with stiffen up and heal over just fine, creating a knot so-to-speak in the stem. I find I have to do it multiple times as the plant turns back up towards the light. You can do it all the way through flower and be fine. Do some reading on the may be just what you need!

just read up on it and its a mix of 25% skunk, 25% n/l and 50% haze. says it flowers for 10-12 weeks and up you got like 4 weeks done so you got like 8-10 more weeks i would guess


Active Member
Go to a store and pick up one of those hand held jewelers scopes...the magnify like 10-50xs look at the trichomes on your buds find a bud in the middle of the plant (not to close or far away from the light) look at it if 20% of the trichomes hae gone from white to and amber/goldish/brownish color, it is time to pick, dont always go on what the genetics say, each climate,light,watering schedule, etc effects the plant. i would say you might get 2-4 OZ off that plant


Well-Known Member
You have a long way to go yet my friend. Those plants can go 13 weeks. I had two going outside and I had to chop early at 10 weeks because it was gettign too cold. Still, great bud. Real sticky. Give it time and wait all the way, it will be worth it. The buzz is the best. Good Luck.:joint:


bud bootlegger
yeah.. i too had to supercrop my dna sour cream, and i was nervous as poop, but i watched a few videos on youtube first, and she bounced back within like 12 hours.. it was crazy how good they took it.. i gained about 18 inches or so by supercropping he, and am recomending it to anyone with height issues..
yeah, the ssh is gonna go atelast about 12 weeks or longer, so your looking at about another two months.. it looks like those buds are just starting to form in your pix, you have a long long time left..
i also use the jewlers loupe for checking the trics, or radio shack sells a lil hand held microscope that works great and costs like $15 or so.. just keep looking at the trics, they look like a lil loolipop to me, and on the top is a lil bubble, this is where the thc is housed.. as the plant grows and matures, the trics will start out clear, go to cloudy and finish up an amber color.. must people like to let them go till they see a 50/50 mix of amber and cloudy before they chop..
as far as yeild, i would say worry less about how much your gonna yeild on your first grow, and just worry about learning and learning from your mistakes so that you can improve on any future harvests.. any bud that you may harvest is great, as alot of people don't make it anywhere near harvest on a first attempt.. i was very happy pulling about a lil over an ounce or so off of each of two plants under a two fifty watt hps on my first grow...
it looks like your doing a great job so far, you just have to be patient and let her do what she is gonna do.. a lot of newb's get very impatient and cut the plant down way before they are anyway near ready... just practice patients, satisfy your plants wants and needs, and your be golden.. i always like the saying of when you think that they are ready, wait another week...
good luck with your grow..