First ever grow in soil, 1 week into flower - no nutes used

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
first time iv ever grown, started with 2 plants and 1 was a male then a friend gave me a free white shark to replace the male :):leaf:, the white shark was given nutes in veg by my friend but has now had none for 5 weeks now and the random seed that is in flower with the shark was grown with just water and a lil bittah my piss :-P

well i just ordered some advanced nutrients hammerhead pk 9/18 which is nice because it goes with the white shark ;) that makes me happy.

well here are the pics of them 1 week into flower so i will post more pics in 4 or 5 days, cant wait to finally give them some nutes,

first picture is the white shark then second is the random,

my next grow is goin to be DWC.

they are both grown under a 600W HPS but the random female seed spent half its veg life under just 2x flu lamps which wasnt enough fully devolp the plant but it did stay nice and green, also added some young pics on the one i had from seed

i added some pictures of the random seed plant when it was in its young days so you can see how much it changed once under the 600W



Active Member
dang bro i started my first grow earlier this year 2 and my plants are bout to be flowered but urs look kinda skinny how long did u veg them 4 and not sure but the yellow leaves lookk ify but good look on your yeild


Active Member
nice lookin plants for no nutes..... if you feed them nutes you will get a bigger yeild that if you were to use just water

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
hey willy haha, yh i heard people get a few yellow leaves when there flowerin because the water/nutes get sucked out of the lower fan leaves but mmm i dunoo like i said no nutes used so will see, yeah i ordered some pk hammerhead bloom advanced nutes so lookin forwards to givin them some finally :) veg'd for a good 4-5 weeks, white shark about 4 and then my other randomer had a bad half veg till igot the HPS :)

hey werry yeah i no i just had no money for nutes lately been really tight but got some hammerhead on tha way boiiiiiii

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
still waiting on the hammerhead, buds are flowering in alot more places on both plants will post pics when theres a noticeable difference thou :)

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
soil is a little dry today but my hammerhead arives tomorrow (store had ran out so took a lil longer)

i let the soil stay a little dry today so when it gets the water and HH nutes tomorrow morning it should make a big difference to it :)

here it is so far - 2 weeks into flower
first picture - left is white shark and right is random bagseed

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
just fed them there first bit of hammerhead this morning :) says 2ml to a litre of water that seems like such a tiny amount the HH will last ages if thats it....

will take pictures tomorrow

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
top of the plants like nice but the lower fan leaves are all turning yellow :(
the buds are devolping aswell just the yellow fan leaves that is an issue

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
plants are looking... kinda ruff really but iv been tight for money for along time so bare in mind i never had money for nutes till just lately or even a fan or temprature thermometer

so there still alive and producing there buds so im happy about that :)


Well-Known Member
How far is the light from the plants? The one on the left is stretched a bit, you could try gently bending it down a bit with some fishing wire so you can have the light down closer to both get crazy buds from LST'd plants too!

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
i thought it was a little late to LST them seeing as there nearly 3 weeks into flower so i wasnt going to bother, the left is super close i need to make some adjustments to it actually i think i will bend the tip down anyway its quite weak uptop and bendy... in fact.... i might go play riight now :)


Active Member
I carnt belive no one has told you that you have a nitrogen deficency , That is the cause of the yellowing of the lower leafs . Your plants STILL NEED nitrogen . You never gave nitrogen while in veg so your plants are using the nitrogen stored . Your plants have started to kill them selfs too early by using up the stored nitrogen . Whats the NPK of your HH . Have you just got the flowering nutes which has little nitrogen . Go and spend a fiver on some local store plant food that is a little higher in nitrogen and give your plants half recomended dose .
Im not saying feed all the time with higher N feed , im saying that your plants NEED a boost so give it to them ..

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
I carnt belive no one has told you that you have a nitrogen deficency , That is the cause of the yellowing of the lower leafs . Your plants STILL NEED nitrogen . You never gave nitrogen while in veg so your plants are using the nitrogen stored . Your plants have started to kill them selfs too early by using up the stored nitrogen . Whats the NPK of your HH . Have you just got the flowering nutes which has little nitrogen . Go and spend a fiver on some local store plant food that is a little higher in nitrogen and give your plants half recomended dose .
Im not saying feed all the time with higher N feed , im saying that your plants NEED a boost so give it to them ..

yea if you were say 2 weeks from harvest the yellowing of the leaves would be kosher, but this early you might want to feed with a complete fertilizer. or even just a small dose of nitrogen.

but be careful it is worse to overfeed than to lack nitrogen in flowering.

do your reaserch and keep it up rasta