first greenhouse grow- beginnings of a problem?


so this is my first legal med. grow done in a greenhouse- three plants, the one i'm concerned about is a uk cheese. the leaves are developing a fine white spekle- cannot be rubbed off so i'm assuming it's not a fungus. is this normal? should i be doing something? the plant is just a few weeks into flower and seems to have a lot of potential. I haven't been using nuts but I'd like to start using a regiment of sucanat. any thoughts are appreciated.



Active Member
powdery mold :/ you can get some neem oil for it or i've heard that a spray bottle with 1/3rd milk 2/3rds water will do the trick to get rid of it. since yours is on new growth i'd get rid of it asap.


Well-Known Member
filtering intake air can improve conditions by preventing mold spores from being dibursed into ur GH. Also a dehumidifier can help too.


Active Member
uoxi, that looks right as well. pm is usually more blotchy and i've got a few of those spots on my indoor plant's lower leaves from when she was outside. if there's no bugs, try something to get rid of mildew.


Well-Known Member
That is spidermites..... If you can, get some neem oil ASAP or they will get outta control and you will never get rid of them


you guys are quick and good. had another look at them before it got dark and pretty sure i could make out quite a few little shits moving around. just sprayed neem after running to the store before they closed.
will keep you posted- thnx