First Grow, 1 week in, Drying and curling leaves, pics and explanation


New Member
Hello! Help?

I'm doing my first private garden (I'm a Washington Medical patient) and I have three plants set up in my grow room. I'm using a DWC Bubble Bucket system, Jungle Juice nutrients (TDS has been around 100), and keep my pH mostly between 5.5 and 6.3.
So my problem is that one of my plants (The Black '84) is looking pretty poor around the edges between the veins of her leaves. She's only five and a half inches tall but has some serious roots growing into the bubbles. Here are some pictures of what I'm dealing with:
You can see that the edges of the leaves between the veins are drying and starting to brown. And I'm noticing today that there are even some spots of yellow/brown starting to creep into the leaves from edge. I've had to snip the ends of a lot of leaves because they were all curling upward at the tip, drying out and turning yellow. But here's a picture of her roots:
Good roots for a week after the transplant (rooted in oasis cubes and then planted in potting mixture).

Here are my other plants (Raskal's White Fire OG) looking beautiful in the same environment:
I have two of these and they both look just as healthy. EDIT: I noticed today that one of these babies is starting to show roots through the bottom of the net pot. Neither of them is wilting/drying/browining/yellowing that I can tell. They just look happy to me.

Other maybe usefull tidbits:
Temp: between 70 and 82 F
Humidity: between 25 and 35% (I know this is really, really low... I need to get a fan speed adjuster or something to stop sucking out the moisture.)
600w MH light (55k lumens)

What are my leaves trying to tell me?

Thank you :)


New Member
Shameless self bump (I tried to search the rules for restrictions on bumping threads but found nothing). Any input would be greatly appreciated. Also edited my first post with more attachments.
ok just because u want opinions. i can not view the picture cause it just wont let me but from what i have learned so far that if the plant is growing the roots its not going to expand up top very much. now this is a good thing that the roots are going. the root determines your harvest i my opinion. if roots are growing let them do there things and they will slow and the vegetative growth with explode. i would also raise ur humidity to 40%.

also if you have roots shooting out then thats sign it is about time to transplant.

the yellowing and browing of the leaves can very easily be nute burn. use about 1/4 of what the bottle or box says.
hope i helped a lil


New Member
Thank you. If anyone else is having a problem viewing the attachments please let me know and I'll try another method.
I was hoping that the root explosion may have had something to do with the crispy and dying leaves... but on my other plants the roots are now beginning to show and the plants aren't looking unhealthy at all (they are, of course, a different strain).
Wish you could see the pictures, they would probably explain a lot more than my words.

I'm ordering a fan speed controller to stop evacuating my air so quickly. Hopefully that will allow the humidity to build up a bit more.