first grow, 1week into 12/12 from seed


Well-Known Member
Heres my first attempt at growing. Theres 3 different strains and i've used 3 different growing techniques to see which works best for me. 4 have been fimmed, 2 have been topped, 1 for 2 colas and the other for 4, and 2 are growing natural. Also a little LST. There in 5gal pots and growing in canna professional soil using bio canna nutes under to 600w lights. How they doing? Any critisism good or bad welcome.:peace:
might journal the remainder....this forum has been a BIG help to me:wink:


very nice grow. your probably going to yield half a pound.... you have a shit load of nodes... i wish i had the space and security to grow like this... until then ill have to stick to my homemade grow box with only 150w and can only hand 12/12 from seed.... haha


Well-Known Member
Do i need to trim these? or could i just trim the tops when there ready and place the lower halfs back under the lights to beef up??


Well-Known Member
And also, should i be feeding the plants nutes everytime i water them? or should i alternate between, nutes, water, nutes, water etc? i've been feeding them nutes according to the bottle everytime i've watered them since they were babies and it doesn't seem to have harmed them? really dont wanna mess this up