First grow! @ 2 weeks from seed


So made a trip to cali today went to Igrow. picked up some nutes ect. My Heat has been hanging around 87-92 in the box so i moved it to the closet have 6 ,65k Cfl's for veg , Added 2 bigger fans and the temp seams to be stable at 76-78 deg . Repoted 2 today . I hope I didnt kill it more roots than I expected to see and ended up breaking them in half.. /crosses fingers. Here are some picks while they were out as we completed the new closet grow I will take more pics



day 17 of my first grow.. they look and feel healty although Im a bit concerned about the height what do you pros think? currently on 3 plants I have 6 .65k cfls about 2inches or less from tops and 1 27k , bag seeds. Please comment!
Aslo I was wondering if anyone could tell me if pic 3 was early show of sex or if Im just trippin . ty



Well-Known Member
better to be bushy and short than stretched and tall. no problems there. how many watts are your bulbs - the more the better.

there are no signs of sex on your plants yet.


better to be bushy and short than stretched and tall. no problems there. how many watts are your bulbs - the more the better.

there are no signs of sex on your plants yet.

Ty for a quick responce.. Im currently useing 26 watt- 100 equiv light and for flowering I will be useing 1 400w, hps


quick question for anyone who might know..>? i have some leftover plastic that i used to cover my walls in the grow room.. black/white.. If I cut circles out and placed them over the dirt around the base of the plant would it help or hurt my plants in any way..?>


Well-Known Member
quick question for anyone who might know..>? i have some leftover plastic that i used to cover my walls in the grow room.. black/white.. If I cut circles out and placed them over the dirt around the base of the plant would it help or hurt my plants in any way..?>
can't see how it would help and you risk cutting off oxygen to the roots and trapping too much moisture


Yea I dont think you need to protect soil from the light, I think it only applies to hydro systems when you dont want to much algae stealing your nutrients.

You would probably get some nasty fungus or something growing.


They are looking good to me at this point .. I found a small hole on one of the fan leaves not sure whats the cause.. no bugs might be small nutt burn .. Keeping an eye on it. These 3 plants are 22 days old from seed. Still in veg currently using 4, 26w cfls.. i fimmed 2 of the 3 plants 3 days ago only slight signs of new growth poping up on the cut site . Noticed they stoped growing for a few days maby stunned from the cut.. comments always welcome Id love to have a few along for the grow..thanks



Just a quick update and some pics of my set up... I have a feeling im running out of room fast . I put 1 plant into flower today going to wait another 4-6 weeks on others. I piped fresh air into the flowering box and temp is stable @ 78-82 deg. 2 plants were fimmed and lst they look to me to be doing fine although this is my first grow so im no expert. started feeding them some small doses of fox big bloom .. questions comments welcome



So I changed a few things up, I put my younger seedlings in the desk added some lights so now have 5 plants in veg with 4 26w 65k and 1 26w 26k cfls. I put 4 into flower currently have 8 26w 26k and 1 26w 56k cfl. because Running of room quick. still waiting to show sex on all. Here are
some picks sorry ,they are grainy. Big ones are 35 days from seed. smaller seedling are on end of week 2 all bagseeds...What do you guys think so far.. and comments or questions ?



Well-Known Member
nothing really to say since you're doing so well. your leaves look pretty dark which means you're about at the limit for nitrogen so be careful about over fertilizing.


nothing really to say since you're doing so well. your leaves look pretty dark which means you're about at the limit for nitrogen so be careful about over fertilizing.
starting to notice some rusty looking spots on some of the leaves So Im going to skip adding anything this week and stick to phed water see if it helps . Also I counted 11 new shoots off my main stem . should I thin this out to let it get more light and breath or let it do its thing. Ill try and post pics soon with a better camera.


Well-Known Member
should I thin this out to let it get more light and breath or let it do its thing.
there are two groups on rui - the pruning camp and the do nothing camp. personally i let the plant grow as it wants except for topping and fiming.


Finally got my hands on a better cam so here are some better pics of my "ladies".! guess this is day 33 for the 3 bigger plants , and day 22 on all others . I have 5 in flower for 4 days now , and 5 in veg day 15.! Comments questions always welcome



So today 1 of my 5 plants showed sex {female}. after about a week on 12/12 So excited she is the best looking plant of the 5 in my 12/12 box. first 3 pics are of her 4th is 1 I think might be a male not sure yet few more days will tell.. and last pic is of all 5 in the 12/12.. all plants shown are 38 days from seed.



[All 5 Plants have shown sex and to my amazment they are all females, How lucky can I get wow.... 5/5 female bagseeds.. this shit gets better everyday:bigjoint:. Pics tonight later all


Hers a few pics I took today ,bad quality but pics . Im learning pacients all over again w/ this growing stuff. but fun .. I just want to smoke already LOL , Day 12 of 12/12 for my ladies and day 4 of 12/12 for the rest.. Please any question, comments fire away. this is my first grow and could use any tips ect.

