First Grow 400W HID Bagseed

This is day 33. Day 1 under the HID, plants have been under 6 x 23W 6500K CFL's for the other 32. No germination, seed straight into soil.
Started in 1 gal containers, transplanted to 3 gal on day 33.

Aurora Innovations Roots Organics Potting Soil
Roots Organics Oregonism XL
Roots Organics Ancient Amber
Roots Organics Buddha Grow 2 - .5 - 1.5 for veg
Roots Organic Buddha Bllom .5 - 2 - 1.5 for flower
Spray n Grow

I intend to keep the plants in veg for at least 2 more weeks. Sticking with the Roots Organics Line. So far I love it. Definitely open to suggestions and new information. I am also interested in other mycorrhizae and trichoderma products. Specifically Great White and White Widow.

Sun System Harvest Pro 400W Switchable Ballast
Sun System Yield Master II Classic 4" Reflector (no air cooling yet)
GE Metal Halide
Ultra Sun HPS for flowering

Average temp/humidity since switching to HID 80F / %50

Pictures: I apologize in advance for gaps. I'm still getting the diary discipline down. I did manage to burn a few of the leaf tips on "A" in the CFL box.

I also have found one insect on one plant. It looked like a ladybug, only about 2/3 the size, and was brown with white spots. I was unable to positively identify it so I squished it.

Only reference material I've really used is Horticulture The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible and perusing the forums here.

Here are days 1-19: (Sorry for out of order, just look at the file names)


Day 32, Last in the CFL box & Day 33, with HID: (In Order)

I'm still somewhat anxious over tinkering with ph, they're sitting right at 6.8 and it never changes. As I understand what I've read something a little more acidic would be beneficial.

