First grow 6 weeks into flowering. Tell me what yall think.


Active Member
Is there anything I can do to improve my plant, its 6 weeks into flowering I'm using MG soil, I know I know, the plant seems really lush and healthy. It was started at the beginning of may and I let it stretch to much, I'm new so I didn’t know. As far as nutes go I'm using MG liquid houseplant food for vegging, and now using the african violet for flowering. I know there is a lot of bad rep and mixed emotions about MG. I haven’t had to much problems that I know of, yet again I'm new to this. I did trim some leaves to allow more light to get int the middle of the plant and on the second week of flowering I realized I had to LST her so I tied the mother down. Its under 6 100 watt plus equivalent CFLs I have 2 fans on her inside my very limited space. Does everything look proper? If not any suggestions? Thanks all I hope you guys and gals can help me out. So here she is hopefully the pictures are clear enough. I also did top once early on, almost forgot to mention that :)CIMG0429.jpgCIMG0439.jpgCIMG0438.jpgCIMG0437.jpgCIMG0436.jpgCIMG0435.jpgCIMG0434.jpgCIMG0432.jpgCIMG0431.jpgCIMG0431 (2).jpgCIMG0430.jpgCIMG0430 (2).jpgCIMG0458.jpg


Well-Known Member
forget the equivalent rating, means little. That plant is under 150 w of cfl and is underdeveloped for 6 weeks. If your using cfl you need either lots of, or high wattage (seen them up to 300w actual) close to plant, within cm's s and positioned well and/or trained plant/ or get a 400w or 600w hps! good luck :)


Active Member
So she needs more light? or should I just let it go and add more light to the next grow? Do you think she will fully develop in a lot more time?


Well-Known Member
LGC is right, more light is better. She looks really good, just behind for her age. I am assuming you did not keep her in veg(extended light time) for a long due to space. Try to post a pick of the entire setup including the lights and the grow area, if you are using about 150W of actual, you may be able to get away with just better positioning of the lights or putting together some makeshift reflectors.

I think there is a CFL section, you should look at some of the other growers pics to get an idea of positioning. Personally I am too lazy for CFL, I like HPS/MH since I only need to worry about raising and lowering my light (and temps).


Well-Known Member
That will help, if yoou flip to 12-12 before they are mature, you could easily be only in week 2 or 3 or flowering which seems more likely based on the photos you put up. Do you remember how long ago you started to see flowers?


Active Member
This is all I could afford to do at this time sorry for how horrible it looks I can go up as the hood is mounted on pulleys and I can raise it or lower it from the floor up to 5 feet or so.
CIMG0429.jpgThis is the hood I built, its crude but all I could afford.
CIMG0436.jpgFlowering lights
CIMG0437.jpg2 vegging lights and 2 more flowering lights I have a small plant vegging under the one side.
CIMG0430.jpgHood over top of the canopy
CIMG0432.jpgI have light color semi gloss walls.
CIMG0434.jpgLight distance from the canopy and bud sights are 3-5 inches above it.
CIMG0435.jpg and I have one lamp with a flowering light under the plant, every day I rotate the plant to give it the same light on each underside reaching up.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure it was the end of week 2 beginning of week 3 of 12/12 I will post my grow log Ive been making. And you are most likely right on putting them into flowering. They were not fully mature I didn't see any flowering or signs of sex until after I switched to flowering. out of 5, 1 was a female. The males as Ive been reading showed there sex first I waited another week before I cut them down and then the female started showing.


Active Member
Started Germination
May 4[SUP]th[/SUP] 2013
I placed the seeds in a red solo cup for 2 days or until a majority of the seeds roots started to form.

Transplanted Seedlings
May 6[SUP]th[/SUP] 2013
I transplanted the seeds into small clay pots(Bad idea the roots stick to the sides of the clay pot) filled with soil making sure the roots were facing down before covering the seeds.

May 6[SUP]th[/SUP] – May 10[SUP]th[/SUP] 2013
Once the seeds sprouted through the soil I few days later I begun to vegetate the seedlings under 5000k lighting on a (18/6) 18 hrs lights on 6 hrs lights off light cycle.

June 6[SUP]th[/SUP] 2013
I re-potted the plants into bigger plastic pots by flipping them over and tapping them out while the soil was dry during vegetation.

June 21[SUP]st[/SUP] 2013
I placed the plants under 2700k lighting and switched them to a (12/12) 12 hrs on 12 hrs off light cycle .


Active Member
At the moment I cant add any more light to it, thats why there is a lamp on the underside covering the sides and adding light to where she is so leafy its blocking light under the canopy, I have done a little defoliation here and there waiting 4-5 days removing some of the bigger leaves like 3-5, I'm trying not to harm her by adding a ton of stress.


Active Member
Ty the next grow training will be much much more extensive, and during veg there are a lot of things I skipped or didnt know about that I will be taking care of hopefully. When I was tieing her down I had Queen's Tie Your Mother Downs song stuck in my head.


Well-Known Member
You can put books or ply wood under the pot to get it closer to the cfl's. Also, Stop adding fertilizer right about now if you wanna " do this right" and its a plus on flavor. If you are mostly worried about yeild and having the most amount of buds, Id say keep up the fertilizer. You are a bit behid for 6 weeks but not too bad. You got this. Keep the room as cold as possible, She resonates to keep warm


Active Member
I can lower the whole lighting system down if needed. 3-5 inches is to far away for the plant to get the light?