first grow. 7 day pics any thoughts?


Hi guys.
This is my first grow of autoflowering seeds
Coco natural plant medium soil. Been watering every other day with coco canna.
I planted these 7days agi after germinating in paper towels.
They actually popped out the soil 6 days ago.

Just looking for your guys thoughts on how they look for their age

And also, even at this early stage, should I water them until I get drainage out the holes? Or will that be too much?
Light has been on 18/6
Below are some pics. And thoughts appreciated. Thanks



Ahh nice :) looking good man
I just checked mine afte r a good watering last night. Seem to be producing a lot more leaves already its mad how quick they grow!
Ill pocs up weekly so people can see how its coming along


Well-Known Member
You can water them to excess but you should only do that when the container is dry, or dry enough. When they are that young it will take their small amount of roots a while for it to suck up all the water. However if they are in a dry environment, that will cause the water to evap too.

They look good though. Just remember that if you are worried about over watering then just water less. Less will be ok, too much will not be ok. :eyesmoke: Good luck


Good :d any tips on when to drop the light to 12/12. I know they autoflower seeds so they just flower when they please. Will it be okay to drop to 12/12 when they are about a foot tall?


here we are fellers at two weeks old. 3 of them look like this. One is the same size but quite skinny n got a few leaves curling but seem to be getting better. And one is a slow mover still quite smallish
Just a quick pic
I think their looking fine :d
By the way these are royal ak automatics.



Here's a snap at 18days sorry I kept the light on
One had nute burn which I flushed and new growth seems healthy
One seems a little onn the small side but other then that we look pretty good. :d

