first grow ak48


Active Member
hey all its my first grow heres my setup
ak48 8/10 germinated 1 dead 7 left
200w ecolite blue 70w hps 10" fan
hesi grow tnt soil

im on day 12 and everything is lookin ok i think
i havent gave them nutes yet coz soil is mg soil which i read wasnt great:evil:(first mistake) i think i will get a bigger light when i start flowering
(depends on sweet talkin my missus):mrgreen:
my grow space is 1mx60cmx2mhigh the temprature stays around 27c
so what do you think?ill post pics in shortly just going to roll spliff
any advice most welcome how soon will sex show?
when do i start nutes? wish me luck hope the cannagods are listening:dunce::confused::wall::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
:spew:what kind of temppratures does it have tbe in grow room
A quick answer is between 70 and 80 F.
A more precise answer is in the link.

As far as nutes the seed gives the plant nutes for the first month or so. So after that time you can start slowly, maybe 25% or 50% strength to start.
Below is some more info about nutes.


Your plants look great man, keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Nice growth in 2 weeks.
They look healthy, thats for sure.
I used the same materials for reflecting as I wanted a sound deadener and some insulation for the heating/cooling change of the room I'm using.
They look as though they may be mature enough for nutes if you haven't started them already. The yellowing may be the plant needing what the leaves have stored in them and taking it.

Looks great though so keep it up!!


Active Member
cheers incgnito for the feedback its my first grow and i need all the encouragement i can get i was going to put into flower in two weeks do yo think i should leave them longer?:confused::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i was going to put into flower in two weeks do yo think i should leave them longer?:confused::eyesmoke:

Thats all up to you. If you have enough room is really the question. I suppose the other question is time. Two weeks is certainly ok. About 2 weeks after you start the 12/12 lighting the sex will begin to appear.

I'm not sure about the strain you are growing. I'll do some reading up on it if I can find some info here at Rollitup.