first grow almost 3 week old still so small what should I do


Active Member
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first grow from bagseed around 3 weeks old under two 25 watt cfls I used garden soil I think this could be the reason it's growing so slow I have it under 20/4 light schedule Should I transplant it to bigger pot with better soil? or is it to soon any help with this would be appreciated im a rookie with no money

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i would normally say its the lights, but it's only a baby so it's not it. maybe it's your soil that's stunting its growth. are you using tap water on it?

Logan Rhodes

Active Member
You need to make sure your PH is correct, not only in your water but your soil as well. It's also key not to overwater in this stage either...


Active Member
i have no clue how to tell ph just using water from a pur water filter so it should be cool but the soil it from outside garden which i think stunted growth because of what could of been in the soil like nutes so I want to transplant this to better soil as soon as possible but i dont wanna killl it is it to soon to transplant?


Active Member
You need to get the fundamentals right from the start. The ph level of the water is very important get your water tested in your local grow shop, I aim for a ph of 6.3. If you can afford new soil, go for it. add some mollases to your water, its cheap and v good. Have u decent drainage in your pots?


Active Member
You need to get the fundamentals right from the start. The ph level of the water is very important get your water tested in your local grow shop, I aim for a ph of 6.3. If you can afford new soil, go for it. add some mollases to your water, its cheap and v good. Have u decent drainage in your pots?
nope their is no draniage what so ever in that container I guess i should poke some holes int he botom of it
Did you germinate the seed before placing it in the pot? Or just water the soil put the seed in it and turn the lights on? Under low light conditions if you just placed the seed inside the dirt it will take a good length of time before it starts least it's growing though?


Active Member
i germinated the bagseed in a paper towel and when it poped open and sproutes i put it in the soil container and the next morning the sprout cam up over soil and it's been about 3 weeks under 2 25 watt cfls 2-6 inches above it I guess il try what erich said and not water it for a couple more days see if it grows faster the soil I used is garbage so that could be the problem thats why i want to transplant as soon as possible
Bro, I think I know what your problem is. I have been dealing with this same issue myself for the past week since I am a novice grower. If you leaves are droopy, then it is probably overwatering that is stunting their growth. But the problem I had is that my soil didn't have enough nitrogen in it. This is common with walmart or lowes brand soils or even miracle grow organic. Do your leaves look yellowy-green? Probably nitrogen deficiency. Young mj plants need a lot of nitrogen to kickstart their growth. I would say get a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen for them and use it next time you water. Let your pots dry up pretty well and then add the ferts. Fox farm is going to be the best, but if you cant get that, just use some miracle grow bloom fertilizer. The miracle grow should be fine if you start off with maybe a half dose and gradually increase to a full. Cheers and good luck!
I just looked at your pics again and they look EXACTLY like mine looked a couple of days ago. Mine grew for a while and just completely stopped and started to look yellowy. I added some fertilizer 2 days ago and they have started looking healthy green again. Today, they have even grown almost an inch. Get you some nutes.


Active Member
yea the do look a little light green yelllowly could be the nitrogen they look fairly healthy right now though i plan on transplant them to better soil asap so hopefully that willl solve the nitrogen problem


Well-Known Member
some of the growing problem is the lights only 2 25w cfls ? im running 2 300w cfls on mine forthis stage with some nutri soil


Well-Known Member
From the pictures you posted the plants look healthy... I am currently working on my new grow which is 15 days old and my plants dwarf yours so if I had to say what the problem is it would be your lighting situation and the fact you don't have any drainage holes in your cups isn't helping matters either. You seriously need to get a PH tester though, you can get these from your local hydro store or garden center for under 10 dollars. It will be the liquid tester type but that's better than nothing. The water purifier you are using isn't doing anything to be honest with you... you can also get a ph soil tester/light meter/moisture meter from lowes for around 3 dollars or so as well. You need to sort out the light issue ASAP and add more lights in the right spectrum, I used a shop light with T12 grow tubes in it to get mine started and they shot up like rockets.



Well-Known Member
you should be able to scoop it out with a table spoon for transplanting to beter soil, but i would check your watering habits, and the ph of the water your using


Active Member
just transplanted today hopefully the better soil i transplanted it to will help i basically had it growing in dirt from a garden