First grow, am i doing ok?


Active Member
cfl grow a have changed it up since those pictures, i have 5 cfl's for 11 plants, one is a 7000 lumen cfl though. just foxfarm soil so far no nutes there in one gallon pots, bagseeds


Well-Known Member
your plants are stretched, man, get them cfls closer to your plants, you may want to get more if you have 11 plants?


Well-Known Member
cfl grow a have changed it up since those pictures, i have 5 cfl's for 11 plants, one is a 7000 lumen cfl though. just foxfarm soil so far no nutes there in one gallon pots, bagseeds
11 plants under cfls is a bit ambitious. you would need A LOT of cfls. 5 cfls a good for 1,2 maybe 3 plants in my opinion. And those plants are streached so bring the lights in closer. Like 4" away.


Well-Known Member
I just started my grow around a month ago and i believe its in the 4th-5th week of VEG.

Are my plants doing ok? are they on schedule?

dude best thing to do is invest in a good light... here is a pic of one of my babies at 4 weeks...

I am running a single 1000 mh on 9 plants... you might want to go invest in somewhere between 30 and 50 more cfl's if you plan on budding 11 plants at the same time and getting anything worthwhile...


Active Member
ok great thanks for all ur help! ill drop them closer, but yea i have been thinkin that they area little behind, i dont know its 5 from seedling not germ


Active Member
yes if you can afford it go with the hps 400 watt but you would need alot more for 11 plants i started off with flourecents for two weeks my plant didnt seem like it was going anywhere i went up to home depot and just picked up a 70 watt hps and in 1 week it had grow 3 times what it grew in the 3 weeks with flourescent


Well-Known Member
ok great thanks for all ur help! ill drop them closer, but yea i have been thinkin that they area little behind, i dont know its 5 from seedling not germ

that pic of mine is week 4, from the day i planted the germinated seed


Active Member
dude thats ridiculous! damn im way behind then lol you think i should keep goin? i get paid this friday so i was thinkin about gettin a hps setup from my hydro store


Well-Known Member
dude thats ridiculous! damn im way behind then lol you think i should keep goin? i get paid this friday so i was thinkin about gettin a hps setup from my hydro store
best bet is to check your local kijiji or something similar, there are tons of grow lghts on there and e-bay too, more light = faster growing plants that arnt stretched, but also involves a few other issues that you will have to deal with like the heat the light will throw... so you make sure that you have figured out how big you can let your plants get because you will need a couple of feet between the lights and the plants, then the temp of the room will also go up, so you will need to figure out a way to cool it... there are a ton of sucessful cfl grows on here but they all have probably 5-10 cfl's per plant and they are the highest wattage you can find


Active Member
damn guys alright then i def need more lights, i think im goin to get rid of some plants as well cuz with 11 plants...thats madd bank on lights, but THANKS FOR ALL UR HELP!!!!!!!


Active Member
no you cannot buy what your looking for at home depot but check ebay or if you do have any stores around try for a 400 or 600 watt hps you cant just buy the bulb you will need the ballast too and the whole setup is over $100


Active Member
bro your plants are madddd stretched out what u gotta do is just keep the light 3 inches above them at all times. the good thing about cfls is that their good for vegging and flowering but if got 11 plants id wanna get like 20 to 30 lights on em. id try some bloodmeal tea to get ur plants nutrients up their look type weak


Active Member
alright im startin nutes next watering, andnow i only have 5 plant 7 lights which is alittle better, but im getting an HPS for sure asap


Well-Known Member
yes do that, i got mine on ebay
if you can get a mh conversion bulb for it and you can finish out the rest of the vegging