First grow, analyze my plants


Well-Known Member
My plants just don't look "healthy"

These are my two main plants, the darker one is my "best" plants. After taking these pictures i realized it had a few spots on one leaf.

Two weeks old, watered only when needed or transplanted. The bigger plant (all pictures but last one) is in MiracleGro just as a test, the last one is in a 3:1:1 homemade (3 topsoil, 1 perlite, 1 peat moss) and it doesn't seem to be doign as well.

Both have (3) 26w 6500k cfls and (1) 26w 2700k cfl and a direct fan on low, gently blowing stems. All of these are on 18/6.

Thanks in advance, let me know what I'm doing wrong, what else you need to know, or what you'd do if your plant looked this way.



Well-Known Member
For the first week, the PH was 8. I now use distilled water and test it each time before using. It is always 6. I think I water it TOO often. I'm very bad at judging when it needs water. I'm also nervous that I don't know how MUCH water it needs at each watering. Here's a little back story so you understand where I'm at.

I germinated these seeds inside topsoil (no additives) aka natural germination. The seeds sprouted so I used a miracle gro 12-4-8 fert once they had 4 leaves (excluding the initial round ones) because at this time I hadn't read anything. I since then have transplanted twice, because I wasn't yure what size it needed. They are now in a 10" pot (I'm using it at the 8" marker right now). The darker green one is about 3" tall. Temp is 80 lights on, 70 lights off. I use 1 drop a gallon of superthrive for all watering, but: Today, i obtained FF big bloom and FF grow big. So, I nuted with the foliar feed dilution (half the recommended daily use which was 5 mls (1 tsp). So, after diluting with 1/2 tsp and adding 1 drop of superthrive, then PHing the distilled water down to 6, i watered. This was only.. 5 minutes before taking the pictures.

I'm spending a lot of money, and I am near calling it quits because I don't seem to be getting anywhere, and no matter what I do, i don't seem to get the growth I am told I should have. I'm even using 4 26w CFLs (3 6500k, 1 2700k) for each plant now, in a square around it for even exposure.


Well-Known Member
Also, I have rockwool cubes now too, if that is worth anything. I have no problem repotting in a different soil and flushing and starting over if that's what you recommend. Or if this plant is old enough I can clone it. I just want a healthy plant.


Well-Known Member
Bro definitly over watering. I can clearly tell by the drooping leaves. Don't worry your plants are not finished, just make sure to water adequatly. Feel the wieght of the pot when a watring is definitly needed. This is the mark when you need to water. I don;t go buy the looks of my plants or the way the top of the soil looks, just a wieght test in a good way for me to know....


Well-Known Member
When I water, do I wet the entire pot, or the rim, or the center? Lets say this was your plant, what amount and frequency would you water? I'm not very good at judging the weight.


Well-Known Member
When I water, do I wet the entire pot, or the rim, or the center? Lets say this was your plant, what amount and frequency would you water? I'm not very good at judging the weight.

Watering MJ is easy. You have to remember that underwatering is an easy fix, overwatering is a bitch. Try to use caution and water as little as possible. First time growers almost never underwater.

Wait until you can't believe how dry your plant is. I mean, like 2 days longer than you think it needs. Then pick up the pot and feel the weight.

When it feels that weight again, it needs water. Right now that little tiny plant will probably only need water once every 2 - 3 days if that. It'll get more frequent as it gets bigger.

Don't give up, once you get it, you'll be glad you didn't. It gets easier everytime and you will develope a routine that works and gives you the results you desire.


Well-Known Member
u should just water around ur plant like a inch or so away from the trunk cuz it looks over watered..let the soil completely dry before watering it so ur roots work harder, ur spoiling ur plant she dont gotta work for nothin if u make her work for the water the roots will reach and ur plant will reach towards the light for food (photosynthesis)


Well-Known Member
When I water, do I wet the entire pot, or the rim, or the center? Lets say this was your plant, what amount and frequency would you water? I'm not very good at judging the weight.
Dude if I were you I would water about 1/4 of the size of the pot for at least another week then 1/2 this size of the pot the next.

Rule of thumb now is to let your seedling dry out man. wait until the pot is light, like I said earlier then water 1/4 the pot size. If it's a gallon then water 1/4 a gallon.... Good luck man....