First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil


Active Member
Hey all,

So this is my first grow, decided after months of research to take the plunge.
Trying some strains I haven't seen much of before, so fingers crossed.

Setup as follows:
Grow Space: Secret Jardin DS60 Tent
Ventilation: 4" TT Inline Fan with 4" Carbon Filter + 8" Oscillating fan
Lighting: 125w blue CFL for veg + 300w Giant red cfl for flowering
Medium: Plagron light mix in 11L pots
Nutrients: Canna Terra Flores
Strain: Angelmatic + Auto Vertigo (both fem)

I had planned to use a 250w HPS but it wasn't possible due to heat issues, having said that the grow space should be absolutely fine with the amount of CFL wattage i've got going. I've just planted them today after germination, should I be watering the whole pot properly straight away ?
Oh and excuse the odd names...

Any advice on where to put the oscillating fan ?

Day 1 -



Active Member
i would just water before you put the seeds in the soil then leave it untill the soil gets dry a good way to do it is to weigh the pots completely dry and then way it right after you water.. But seedlings to use hardly any water so you should saturate once.. Then let it sit untill it get somewhat dry.


Active Member
Thanks for the tip, I've weighed the pots and watered till it looks suitably damp.
All of the seeds are above soil after around 36 hours, one of them has sprouted its first leaves already !

I'll post more pics when they are all showing some greenery.


Active Member
So everything seems to be going fine, I've had the light on 24/7 now and all the plants have sprouted from the seed and are starting their first leaves.

Still not sure where to put the oscillating fan, is it worth it above the light ?
Also, I watered the plants to keep the top few inches moist when they were beginning to sprout, now that they are all above soil and have left the seed casing should I let the soil go completely dry before watering again ?

Day 3 -



Active Member
Update again -

Everything looking ok, I'm still not sure on an oscillating fan so any advice as to where it would be affective would be welcome.

All but 1 of the girls look healthy, I found the runt drooped down looking dead last night. Gave them all a healthy watering and propped her up with some of the soil and she looks to have recovered.

Day 5 -



Well-Known Member
Update again -

Everything looking ok, I'm still not sure on an oscillating fan so any advice as to where it would be affective would be welcome.

All but 1 of the girls look healthy, I found the runt drooped down looking dead last night. Gave them all a healthy watering and propped her up with some of the soil and she looks to have recovered.

Day 5 -
Drooping seedlings do not usually need water! be very carefull how wet you keep the soil. You seem to be feeding every two days, this is a lot for such small plants. Plagron peat also is know to hold moisture so watch out :shock:, also with more water more nutrients are released (double edge sword) but light seems to be quite low on added nutrients so you should be ok.

The runt is usually the one that comes storming back around mid season veg so watch for it, for your oscillating fan; point it just under your lights, if you are not having any heat issue I would say leave it oscillating and moving the air about.



Active Member
Thanks for the advice !

I didn't soak the soil before planting the seedlings so I gave them a little water over the first few days, but the soil quickly dried out (checked around 3 inches deep at least) so I have them a proper watering on the evening of Day 4.
I propped it back up and its upright on its own now so it looks ok, not planning another water until at least monday night if that early.

My issue is there is no room underneath the light right now since its so low to the plant pots, nowhere to put the fan other than above the light itself.


Active Member
Very little change to report.
One of the Angelmatic seedlings literally stopped growing at all as soon as it sprouted, wilted and died :(

The other 3 are doing ok with very little signs of new growth, unsure what is going on but im hoping they are just massing a root ball !


Active Member

So its just over a week now, changed the lighting to 20/4 with a plug adapter as I've read a few hours dark helps the babies grow.

Mourning the loss of Angel #3 today, she died.
I have however ordered a nice new Auto Blueberry seed to replace her.

Day 9



Active Member
I posted day 9 a little late so here is day 11...

All looking very good, growing alot faster now.
Anyone got some advice for watering ? They are in 11l pots at the moment and its been a week since they had any water. The first two inches of soil are pretty bone dry but theres still a bit of moisture about 2 and a half inches down.

Leave them a few more days or give them a good water ?
Thanks !

Day 11



Active Member
Day 24

I changed the bulb to the insanely large 250w red cfl last night, and boy does it give off some heat...

Had temperatures raising to 86f in the summer daytime, a bit lower in the night hours.
Should I be worried too much ? With the 125w blue bulb it got as low as 68f at night, I'm doubtful I'll see anything lower than high 70's with this thing in there now though.

Anyway into the 4th week now and plenty of what looks to be bud sites forming, loads of white hairs all over the place.



Active Member
Day 26

Was hoping someone might be able to give me some advice, should I be trimming the big leaves at this stage that show no signs of any buds ? I mean some of them are blocking the light to some bud sites lower down. Its not detrimental to the rest of the plant to cut off leaves at this stage is it ?

They are about 4 days into flowering I think.



Active Member
Day 28

4 weeks today, last few days have been pretty good.
Pulled a few leaves that were completely blocking some of the buds.

The vertigo plant looks especially nice, loads of hairs all over this plant.

Watered today with the first load of bio-bloom and molasses.



Dude wanna know how it goin on now. Cheer up my man!
sorry that cant give you advise cuz i believe i am more newbie than you for sure :P