First grow/Autoflower/t5 ho (NL, WW, NYC, PR)


Active Member
Hey everyone! welcome to my first grow!

For my first grow i've chosen to invest a bit of money and buy a 2 x 4 x 6 tent, with a 4" fan and carbon filter. For my lighting i've chosen to go with a 4' 8 bulb t5 high output fixture. For my soil i was really unsure of what to use, i searched and searched but could only find MG soils, until i came across fafard connaisseur soil, which is what i chose to use with a mixture of perlite and worm castings.

I planted 2 White widow, 1 Norther Lights and 1 New york city on the 17th (all of which have popped up and are doing very well [so i believe])

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I apologize for them being a bit blurry, my camera was having a hard time focusing on them them. Northern lights 2 and Pakistan Ryder germinated late, and im still waiting for them to break soil. Soil also looks dry in the photo as its watering day! i'll be using a spray bottle to ensure i don't hurt my babies.

What do you guys think? how do they look? Any questions or comments?