First Grow Big Buddha Haze, Purple Haze, Tangerine Dream, Claustrum, Big Bud, Gigabud

Hey Everyone! This is my first post about my first grow. Any input would be so appreciated, I can't even describe it!!

Plants germinated June 5th, and am growing the following:

Big Buddha Haze
G-13 Labs Purple Haze
Barney's Tangerine Dream
Positronics Claustrum
Big Bud
G-13 Labs Gigabud

They were planted in jiffy peat pods until transplanted into 4" pots. I am using Aurora Innovations Soul Synthetics master feeding plan. Soil is perlite amended, Aurora Innovations Roots Organic soil.

Currently in a home made grow box lined in reflective Mylar, lit by 6 42 watt CFLs, 4 at 6500Kand 2 at 2700K. Plan to move to a grow tent just before flowering.

4 of the plants are doing great but both Haze strains (purple haze and buddha haze) are developing much more slowly when I believe they are supposed to be vigorous growers.

Can anyone with Haze growing experience put their 2 cents in? Or anyone else for that matter?

I know I was probably nuts to grow this particular group of strains but I did the old pick n mix at the Attitude and screwed up my first blueberry grow in about 2 weeks by accidentally putting undiluted fertilizer in the soil....oops! So I said fuck it and germinated the rest of my seeds. So far so good, I think? Worried about the Haze plants though! I know somebody has some harsh criticism of my half assed planned grow so let me have it! Don't hold back!! Also kind, polite and well written responses welcomed.picsay-1309443652.jpg


Well-Known Member
Definitely going to watch the Gigabud and Purple Haze. I'm growing those two along with a handful of other pick n mix from Attitude I started in May. Yours are looking pretty good, it's my first grow too and I don't know much at all but they look good. The only Haze advice I can think to offer is my Purple Haze LOVED the topping I gave it. It shot out a ton of new branches and two tops that are growing quick. I'm growing outdoor though, so it may be different. I read these two threads (not the whole thing but 5 pages) and it really helped clear up a lot of what topping did, I recommend you read them too.

Hope I helped :D