first grow breakdown with pics and a problem. advice/comments welcome

This is my first grow. Its not anything professional or expensive. I recently got my medical recommendation for marijuana consumption and decided to get into the growing game. The setup is intended for 2 plants but one died because a friend (who grows) took care of it for a day while we got set up and it did not get the attention it needed. I am growing clones bought from a legal dispensary, the survivor is a MrNiceGuy clone (you can already see purple on the stem)

I just plotted the clone yesterday in a healthy condition in a soil, compost, perlite mix purchased from a local hydro store.

also purchased from the hydro store is the main light fixture seen in the pictures. It is a 125w cfl. In addition I have also set up three desk lamps with 23w cfl bulbs for more light. One desk lamp has a higher wattage but I forget how many.

The clone was watered after being plotted and seemed to be in a healthy condition. However last night before going to sleep I noticed the leaves becoming a little droopy. This morning the leaves' condition had digressed even further. I did not plan on watering the plant for a day or so so the roots would grow out a little bit. However thinking the plant might have been under watered I gave it some more aqua. Not too long after that the plant responded to the extra water very well. It became less droopy and the leaves began to fan outwards more. After that i got a little excited and gave the plant a bit more water. After the second watering I gave the plant some time and then returned to check on the condition. The leaves were drooping a bit more at this point but not as bad as they were when I first woke up.

In the pictures the leaves look a bit more yellow then they do in real life. The discoloration is mainly just darker and brighter green. Does anyone have a diagnosis on whether this could be over/under watering or something else???????

I do not have any nutrients to add at this point, I should get some but I am a starving college student who cannot afford any at the moment.

I plan to get another clone soon as well. Beyond that I don't have any direct questions besides the whole droopy leaf thing. If anyone has any comments or advice on my setup or plant health I would be more then appreciative for the help. If there is anything I left out or if anyone has any questions feel free to ask.



Well-Known Member
This is my first grow. Its not anything professional or expensive. I recently got my medical recommendation for marijuana consumption and decided to get into the growing game. The setup is intended for 2 plants but one died because a friend (who grows) took care of it for a day while we got set up and it did not get the attention it needed. I am growing clones bought from a legal dispensary, the survivor is a MrNiceGuy clone (you can already see purple on the stem)

I just plotted the clone yesterday in a healthy condition in a soil, compost, perlite mix purchased from a local hydro store.

also purchased from the hydro store is the main light fixture seen in the pictures. It is a 125w cfl. In addition I have also set up three desk lamps with 23w cfl bulbs for more light. One desk lamp has a higher wattage but I forget how many.

The clone was watered after being plotted and seemed to be in a healthy condition. However last night before going to sleep I noticed the leaves becoming a little droopy. This morning the leaves' condition had digressed even further. I did not plan on watering the plant for a day or so so the roots would grow out a little bit. However thinking the plant might have been under watered I gave it some more aqua. Not too long after that the plant responded to the extra water very well. It became less droopy and the leaves began to fan outwards more. After that i got a little excited and gave the plant a bit more water. After the second watering I gave the plant some time and then returned to check on the condition. The leaves were drooping a bit more at this point but not as bad as they were when I first woke up.

In the pictures the leaves look a bit more yellow then they do in real life. The discoloration is mainly just darker and brighter green. Does anyone have a diagnosis on whether this could be over/under watering or something else???????

I do not have any nutrients to add at this point, I should get some but I am a starving college student who cannot afford any at the moment.

I plan to get another clone soon as well. Beyond that I don't have any direct questions besides the whole droopy leaf thing. If anyone has any comments or advice on my setup or plant health I would be more then appreciative for the help. If there is anything I left out or if anyone has any questions feel free to ask.

that looks awful. Clones from shops should be in top shape.. so either you messed it up or it came like that. either way you need to figure out why it looks like that
It was in good shape from the shop. And I am trying to find out why it looks like that, that is the reason why I am posting. Thanks for the help though, I appreciate the insight.

Is there anyone else with real advice?


Active Member
wellcome to´s best for cuttings to be in a box with clear lid to keep them humid also i think the light is to close and good idea to keep thermostat right in there to keep an eye for temp happy growing
wellcome to´s best for cuttings to be in a box with clear lid to keep them humid also i think the light is to close and good idea to keep thermostat right in there to keep an eye for temp happy growing
Thanks. The medical club i bought the clone at had that setup for the clone(s). Are there any other ways to help keep a clone humid, like plastic wrap perhaps? and the temperature should be fine, I'm not too sure about the humidity thing though.


I think the light looks fine. Usually you want to keep a cfl 2-3 in. from the plant. Although, it looks like you might be over/under watering.
What is your water schedule like?
I think the light looks fine. Usually you want to keep a cfl 2-3 in. from the plant. Although, it looks like you might be over/under watering.
What is your water schedule like?
well yesterday I gave it a sufficient amount of water when I plotted it and it responded fine. This morning the first time i gave it water it was about a quarter of a water bottle and about the same after, so half a bottle today altogether, i don't plan to water it for at least 24 hours, but I'm open to suggestions.


Active Member
i did´nt have a dome i just put 4 china stiks in the soil around it of cours and wraped the sides and make a little vent at the top for spaying,only spray the insides of the dome keep it wet in there.
i did´nt have a dome i just put 4 china stiks in the soil around it of cours and wraped the sides and make a little vent at the top for spaying,only spray the insides of the dome keep it wet in there.
for sure, should i plastic wrap the top or would that interfere with the lighting? and how big of a vent should i make?