First Grow Bubble Ponics (homemade)


Active Member
i have a question. i was thinking about the bubble ponic systems, is it big enough to keep all six plants all the way through to harvest in that system? or would you have to separate them seperatly when they get bigger?? sorry for the noob question! hehe


Well-Known Member
if you use the Sea of Green Method its plent big enough... sicne your harvesting mainly the main cola. and my CFLS are 3 inches away so...


Well-Known Member
Day 6 of 24/0 found out i have a bit of a heating probelm think it may have stunted growth. (pics tonight) temp got up to 93deg TOO HOT! brouught it down with ventalation and growth seemed to respond


Well-Known Member
Lookin forward to pix =) The seedlings didn't look stretched in the last pix, so it looks like your lights are close enough... (I keep mine seriously like an inch and a half away, I have to adjust them as Kiki grows but the light from the cfls dissipates real fuckin quick) Do ya have a fan blowing directly over the lights and plants? Helps a bunch...


Well-Known Member
To be Honest i have no fans AT ALL... well this is not true.. im a liar... but seriously in my grow room which is a cupboard, i only have a febreeze carbon filter... so i leave the door open and put an osilating fan on it. but i want it stealth! so i just got 5 5inch computer fans and im going to have two taking air out(with carbon on them) and two blowing on the lights and 1 bringing air in.. it should work great as long as i keep the temp at 80 or so i should be ok
ill get pics soon camera charging lol.
yeah and i didnt think my plants looked stretched... so thanks :D my first soil grow i had a two week old seedling with a 6 inch stem... thats stretched LOL


Well-Known Member
HAHA, yeah everything is home made... pretty much anyways, its just some thin sheet metal and duct tape :D what you think about my babies?


Well-Known Member
They look great... awwww. I miss them in the seedling stage...<checks to see if new seeds sprouted> damn.. nothing yet... LOL.. seriously though, your babies look great. you should get a couple pix of your homemade reflector- I know I had a lot of people contacting me to see my old one.. plus I'm just interested to see what yours looks like =)


Well-Known Member
ok ill hook you up... HAHA speaking of seedlings. i had a little surprise. did not think one was germing so i just stuck it in some rock wool and put it in my system. sprouted two days ago! woot and just put another seed in hence the blue lid :D cover it up from light ill get those pics. its way sloppy reflector but if you insist...(keep in mind i work with what i had)



Well-Known Member
Nice work on the reflector.. make sure it's stable though... wouldn't want you to hurt your babies like I accidentally did... =(