First grow! By- StyleGM


New Member
Hello everyone im StyleGM here and i started to try to grow about a month and a half ago and i had problems at first with lighting and figuring everything out. I ended up killing my plants due to over watering... And alot of it had to do wherei hadthe plants. I had them in a small cabnet, in a big wooden box, unfortunantly therr was a door to outside in it and it got really cold at night.

Since then i have learned alot more. When i first started growing i was using old bulbs that got really warm and was probably putting the temps in the mid to high 90s. I looked more into micro growing and found a cardboard box that was stored away that is about a 2x2x3 and i have beening using that for my current seedlings. I am growing 3 gorilla glue #4 and 2 Low T weed. (Buddies own hybrid) I know im going to get a few comments that will say no cardboard but no need to worry i have a 16 Watt led inside of the box... I also have another box that is made from a plastic tote. And that also has a 16 watt led. Both the boxes have the cords coming out of them and going into a shoe box which is where all the wires are pluged in at. I have 2 timers going on the boxes of an 18/6 light schedule turning off at 9pm pst and turn on a 3 am pst.

I currently have a wooden box that is about 3x3x5 made for me with adjustable shlefs for plant growth.

For nutes im going to just be using maxicrops liquid seaweed and molasses due to the fact that we grew 3.5 pound outdoor plants by just using that.

Once i get my 3x3x5 box im going to be making a whole exaust system and make it light proof.

Seedling ages
16 days
14 days
2 days
1 day
1 day

Any suggestions just leave them in the comments, and no hate or anything
Growth as of jan 30th. 2017. Plant is more green just tookthe photo with flash. I will post another picture in the morning



Well-Known Member
Don't know if a shoe box is a great thing to have electrical stuff in in case it gets hot. Make sure you got a fan blowing on them if possible to make the stocks grow strong to support the weight of the plant later, even a computer fan would be better than nothing. Don't turn the fan up very high or put it to close though. Have the light a safe distance from your plants. If the light burns your Hands, it'll burn your plants from the same distance.