First Grow CFL Emptied Shelf


Okay, got a shelf and left out the shelves leaving a good amount of space. Wrapped the outside with a clear shower case and wrapped the whole interior with white/black mylar, plus the plastic container that is double wrapped in duct tape to keep out light and reinforce the water weight. I'm doing a DWC and got to 4" stones and a 60 gallon air pump. I noticed that the humidity was always around 50 to 60 when the clay balls and water were exposed to the light, but when I wrapped the container in mylar I left a slotted cover for the growing nests and since then the humidities been around 40 - 50.

Right Now I'm having a problem with the temp getting way too hot. When I close the cabinet doors shut it'll get to 95 - 98 even. But when they're both open it's around 84.5 and when one's open it's get around 87.8. I have a higher up thermometer and it's been around 75 - 85 which is ideal so I've heard, so I'm not too worried. I think it's cause the mylar is reflecting the heat and yeah. I've got two fans, one aimed at where the two plants will go and the other is next to an exterior 4" x 6" cutting that can work as a inside extractor or as an intake fan. I've mostly been using it as extraction.

For the lights I've got 2 True Color Daylight 100 Watt (26W) CFL and 1 2700K 300 Watt (68W) and they're all closed in as close as I could comfortably fit them.

Wondering if there was any advice or ideas that could maybe lower the temperature or keep it down or something in that nature. Cause I can leave the doors open most of the time the lights will be on but I think if it could stay there shut it would maximize the mylar thus the light for the plants and keep a super bright glow down to a minimum.

Also I was wondering if any experienced grower knows if the plants reduce the heat by blocking and absorbing that light and heat energy. Is that the way it would work or what? Like right now it's just the lights exposed to mylar, so would it go down once I get something growing inside.



bill johnson

I used two of those fans for my box, just take the screws out, cut a hole the size of the fan, and then use a drywall screw to screw it into the cabinet, then you can get some of that reflextive slinky style tubing and get those ducts hooked up to the fan so that it will suck air from where you want and not just randomly, plus I would recommend a little dish of water to keep the humidity up if you are experienceing high high temps as it can dry those babys out.

bill johnson

I forgot to mention that I put the fancover on the inside, (or outside on my exaust fan) and sandwich style screwed them together, that way you wont get anything caught in the fanblade. the reason that you need a drywall or other longer style screw is to make up that thickness of the door or cabinet or whatever, so its like fan cover, cabinet, fan w/cord and stuff or (I)---- where the I is your cabinet and the --- is the cord