First Grow check it out

This is my first real grow and for the most part i think everything is workin out pretty well. i built a box about 4'hx2'wx2'd and i have four sprouts in jiffy pots under cfls. I currently have them on a 24hr light schedule and have for the past 2 days or so, but i am going to switch them to an 18hrs on n 6hrs off schedule. Here are a few pics of the setup and the newborns. drop some replies and let me know wat you think, feel free to leave me any suggestions you may have for me. ill be posting again with some updated pics soon.


i have a bunch more jus havent put em in yet and i have a bunch of extensions that allow you to put 2 bulbs on each fixture or even connent a few n add some more bulbs. do you think they need more light right now?
i have that 4 inch fan in the top that actually at the moment is blowing inwards because of the temp being too high but will be the exhaust once i install my intake fan that i havent gotten yet for now i jus have that 8 inch stand up in there