first grow day 41- whatcha think?

These poor girls.... First there were 14. All of them germinated, but lost one early seedling. I had them under a regular desk lamp as sprouts and they stretched so bad they couldn't hold themselves up without toothpicks. After that, someone told me regular ol' miracle grow was the stuff to give them, so I did, and almost killed the lot of them. Then I was so freaked out about burning them again that I almost starved them to death. Of the 13, 7 were boys, which is a lot better than I thought it would be after jolting them around so much. Since then, they've been trooping along under not enough light, have made it through a move early in blooming, and one of them pulled through a completely snapped main stalk... somehow, no hermies as of yet.

These pics were taken day 41 after 12/12 switch. Just wanted to see what you all thought- keeping in mind all the stupidity I put them through lol!



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Very nice job for your first grow. Best of all you are on the home stretch now, LOL. So you have a lot to look forward to.


Active Member
What you lose in bud learning from mistakes youl make up for in knowledge. That knowledge will lead to much more buds in the future. Good Job!
Thanks! And I'll for sure keep ya posted. I'm trying not to think about yields since I know it varies so much with everything and I won't know til it's dried, but do ya'll think 1-2 oz per lady is realistic?


Well-Known Member
not bad for some bad seeds that seam to have gone to hell and back but maybe sometimes it`s good to lose the weaker plants leaves you the ones that really really want to live.

buddy bud

Well-Known Member
You can get that with 1000 watt hps but with small light look for half o but still you did not half to give june bug $120 for shit weed will be good just don't rush and pull to soon !!! Make sure you have some aber trichomes !!!!!!!!:weed::hump::weed:
Day 49 pics. Glands are clear. I'm beginning molasses in distilled, and will finish it out with 10 days or so of straight water. I'm thinking they'll be ready to cut somewhere between days 63 and 70, but I also have no clue what I'm really looking at here. What do you all think in terms of harvest time?d49 009.jpgd49 011.jpgd49 013.jpgd49 015.jpg
Thanks Navy!

Got a magnifier that I like too. Most definitely still clear. Hope they hurry up- I'm starting to twitch and salivate a little lmao!!


Well-Known Member
well rough first start man but they seem to be doing well now. at least you can chalk it up to a learning experience.

my 2¢ sell some of that bud to some dumb highschool kids for 30 bucks a gram and buy a good light HEHE

nice looking buds tohugh either way. Hard to guess on yeild without seeign whole plant. and in the pics they appear to have about 3 weeks left.