First Grow Ever! Low Pressure Aeroponics w/LED

Alright, so I have been researching growing my own bud for a few years now. This will be my first grow ever, and i have decided to go with a low pressure aeroponics system using a Pro Grow 260 LED light. I figured i would set up a grow journal since they have helped me so much in researching and learning how to grow, i wanted to make my own so others could learn from my mistakes. I will be documenting as much as i possibly can, and i hope it will make it easier to troubleshoot and get help from others on the forum.

So as i said, i will be using LEDs for this grow to cut back on electric costs and make it easier for me to regulate temperature. I am growing in a 4x4x7 foot grow tent. I have made a home made carbon filter with the only fan i currently have pushing air out. I built my own aeroponics system with pvc pipe and brass lawn sprinkler heads. The pump is run by a 400gph pond pump in a 27 gallon black tote. Although the tote is 27 gallons, i can only fit 12 gallons of liquid in it and have the waterline below the sprinkler heads. The lid will be siliconed on, i am just waiting for my 10 gallon fish tank pump with air stone before i seal it up. I am using the fish tank pump to keep the water from getting stagnant since the roots will be constantly hanging into the reservoir. The lid that will be sealed on top is covered with duck tape on the outside so keep out light and has six 3inch netted pots in the top. For this first grow i will only be using 3 of them.


The 3 random seeds i have been saving were put in for germination 2 days ago using the paper towel and plastic bag method. This morning the seeds had little tails poking out so using tweezers, i moved them, root down, into there own jiffy pellets. The holes were pre dug with a pencil about half an inch down, and the seeds were then covered with the jiffy soil after. I placed them in a plastic container sitting on a damp paper towel with the lid slightly propped open. They are on a table in my grow tent right now about one foot under the led. I was hoping keeping them in the tupper ware would allow them to hold in heat and moisture but still allowing airflow. The light i am using has 2 different colored bandwidths and i can also put them both on at the same time. right now i have blue on and red is off. Should i have them both on? I have read that blue is best for vegetative stage.


When the plants start sporting in a few days, i will wash the jiffy pellets away from the roots and place them in the baskets held in place with expanded clay pellets. The nutrients i will be using is the 3 pack kit from botanicare with the pure blend series and liquid karma. How often to i add nutrients to my 12 gallon reservoir and how often should i change the water once i am using it? The drain i made for the reservoir leaves about a half inch of water in the tote after every drain. will that be a problem when replacing the water? My pump is set for a minute and a half on, and then off for 4 and a half minutes. The light will be kept on all day and night until i start flowering. I plan on using apple cider vinegar and baking soda to adjust the ph levels. From this point on I am trying to do everything as cheap as possible as i am all out of money. I am going to use a mixture of water sugar and yeast to produce co2 and I will be getting a thermometer/humidity meter eventually, and i will probably also instal one of my computer case fans in the carbon filter once it start stinking more.

#### At this point any suggestions or feedback would be awesome. I feel like everything is going well so far, but like i said i havnt done this before and any back up would make me feel much better about what ive been doing. ###

NOTE: This grow is completely legal under CA state law. I am a medical patient and can have up to 6 full grown plants and 12 premature.