First Grow Ever. Working with a Budget - The Real Challenge

Hiya! I'm new to this little online oasis :shock: and decided to speak up instead of lurking finally...

I have nosed around riu a bit and I have to admit that I have been humbled. I'm ready to reach out here. I began by simply casting a few seeds in an incubator and now I want to know what I can do to maximize my yield…naturally…

Hopefully, the professionals will see this as a challenge. I have a fair understanding as of now about the basics – or, so I think. I will post pics and explain my problem to the best of my ability. The puzzle here is money. My financial situation is tight. Herein resides the true challenge.

Overview - I have done a fair amount of research and have decided that this journal entry is my best move on the board as of today. Unfortunately, the more I learn about growing – the more I realize that I need to purchase more supplies and modify my operation. Yet, where the hell does this rabbit hole end? I could easily throw 10k at my grow and still be lacking according to other experienced growers. I need tailored advice for my situation in particular – as, I cannot (nor do I desire to) keep throwing money at the grow.

Environment - I finished building my grow room on Sunday night. I figured that environment is where I need to begin in order to grow consistently. My grow room is approximately 6.5 X 6.5 and 8 feet high and mirrored with Mylar film. I installed a small fan in one wall to pull fresh air to the grow from the outside of the building. I threw a mid-size oscillating fan in the room directed upward to cycle the air up. I have two clones (unknown name brand) growing strong underneath a decent grow light. I am not sure of the wattage (it was given to me) – but, I have seen similar bulbs going for around $55.00 or so. I recently purchased a 48’’ fluorescent bulb hood (basic shop light) to help the operation along. I have a standard 1’’ cool bulb in one socket and a 2’’ plant/aquarium bulb in the other. I have all of my other plants under the shop light. All other plants are in various stages of growth.

The newest additions are “G-Bomb” feminized seeds from “Big Buddha Seeds” – Any criticism and/or rumors you have heard about this strain and/or distributor is highly appreciated. I am very new to all of this. Anything is helpful at this point. The pics below may give a better depiction of the environment. The intake fan is in the wall behind the clones and circulation fan is on the right in this pic and sits in between the clones and the rest of the grow. Any tips?

My Knowledge, Level, and Habits: I have never even maintained a house plant before this. I recently solved a spider mite issue (arrgh!) with some miticide manufactured by “General Hydroponics.” I am just now playing with “PH Down” and a basic test kit. I shoot for somewhere between 5 and 6 PH levels. I use basic bagged soil. I just got fancy and bought “Miracle Grow Moisture Control” potting soil. The room temp bounces between mid 70’s and 90 degrees. The humidity hovers from 50 to 60 ish. I use “Alaska” 2-1-2 fertilizer, “Grow-More” super bloomer, VF-11, and “Superthrive” once a week for feeding and chlorine free water. I am currently vegging with 24 hour uninterrupted light.

Should I build a SCROG net now (during vegging)?

Opinions on 24 hour lighting?

Any suggestions that will cost me little or nothing?

How much more do you think I would benefit from a hydroponic system?

Do my plants look topped correctly?


Anything else???

I sincerely thank everyone who reads this. Any further knowledge you can offer is highly appreciated!

-Dr. D



Active Member
24 hr light is great for veg thats what i use id ditch the miriclegrow soil and get some fox farm or something the miricle grow comes pre nuted and i hate that but to each there own
Thanks for the feedback. I'm looking into other soils - as, the Miracle Grow seems to be unpopular. I've heard people mention Fox Farm before. I think I'll give it a shot. 24 hr. light seems to be working pretty well. I'll toss in new pics every week. I just tried out a new topping technique too - about a few hours ago. I'll discuss it and keep it updated in mah journal if you're interested...
I think Imma do a journal write-up on it a week from now to show its progress. You'll find out then ;)

I've already seen growth. Stoked!!!


First grow? I wouldn't go with SCROG.

Basic hydro is much easier, in my opinion. It's where I started and it's not that hard to maintain once you get things started. it's a good way to learn the growing process before you start to complicate things.

As for budget friendly, yes, stay away from Miracle Grow, it's crap. Cheap, but crappy.

It all comes down to whether you want quality grow or a cheap grow.

At the same time, you can do a few things to lower your price:

--Use less nutes than the bottle says you need to. Most of the time you don't need to use the full amount.
--Start with fewer plants.
--Check out Ebay, Craigslist, and discounters for cheaper nutes and supplies

I also use the Grow-Micro-Bloom and Bud Candy from Advanced Nutrients. It's worth the price, but also a lot lower than other nute schedules I've seen.

Good luck!