dont go cheap on soil, if that is the grow medium you choose for your fist grow, make sure its with in the right PH (between 6 and 7)
and make sure there is sumthing in it to make it light and airy and so it drain well, weed like air to its root net, stuff like Perlite, coco and lega nuts works well
choose containers so they match your plant size and do a few repots along the way, choose a big enough container as your final pot based on your veg time and do the final repot before you begin to flower, and make sure the pot`s have nice drain holes in em, reason for making a few repots is mostly to build up a nice root net in the middle of the final pot and as its more easy to control watering (easy to over water a small seedling in a big pot)
genetic, is the key to good smoke and a nice yield, buy good seeds or clones
light, weed need strong light +3K foot candles and preferable +5K doing flowering so forget about a single CFL if you want to grow seriously, IMO you need either a HID or a LED fixture, a nice 400W or 600W MH/HPS would be a good start
air and Co2, plants need both to grow, so good air circulation is a must, also to prevent mold/mildew and to keep temperatures under control
odor, need to take this serious, even one plant can make a hole apartment stink, so a active carbon filter is a must IMO, the money is well spend
water, tap or RO, needs to be room tempered and if the Tap hold chlorine you need to let it sit out for a day to make it evaporate (check your water plants home page for info) and in most cases need to be PH`d (6,5 in soil and 5,8 in coco/hydro) unless your in a organic super soil mix full of micro life witch will correct and steady the PH of the water if its off a bit (get a PH test kit/pen and some PH down/up)
use a basic nutrients line, its easy to add stuff, but get the basic in order before you ruin your self on bud boosters, do some research here, its not only NPK weed need, its also micro and trace elements, like Calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, zink, copper, Bor aso.
look in to cheap stuff like Epsom Salt and black strap molasses, both do "miracles" for small money