First grow from a newb.

Started off with my buddy giving me some baggie seeds and saying "I bet you cant do anything with these"

So, here we here. Here is how I started:

Had them sitting under a reptile light to provide a bit more heat, was able to germinate them in under 48hrs, the fastest one was just a hair over ~16hrs.

So off into the pots they went,

Right now they are about 2-3in under the light (4 40w 4ft floro's).
Gave it about 3-4 days with some water every day, and BAM:

Got 2 that are like that now, nothing has broke the surface on the rest of em, but I got nothing but time :blsmoke:

Mainly posting this looking for suggestions or tips, as I have never grown before. I got a pH tester, and from what I gathered I put the soil in the "tube" add some liquid from the kit to get the color and match the color with the scale they provided, problem is, all I get is mud? :neutral: Any ideas?

Im all ears here.

Thanks guys.


Active Member
dnt put the soil in da tube just the water and u mix 3 drops of the othere green liquid and shake it and match the color to the bottle u needa be at 6.0 best of luck
Today started off with a trip to the local hydro store to pick up some goodies....

That resulted in moving some things around.... Went from 4 T5 40w's to this

The ballast is turned down to 250w, and its hung up as high as I could get it away from the plants. They seem to be doing alright, right now they are in some organic seed starting soil I got from Home Depot, but I do plan on moving them into some 4-5gal pots with this stuff

I talked with the dude at the shop and he said Fox Farms has gone down in quality lately because they have been getting so big, so he recommended this, Ill give it a shot, if its crap, then no big deal, its baggie seeds, this is a learning experience afterall...

Thoughts, suggestions, tips? Getting a fan tomorrow to move some air around in there, temps seem to staying around low 80*.