First grow, got clones, what next?


Active Member
Hi all,

I got some clones from a friend, and have setup a room but am worried ill make the wrong decision what to do next, i got 2 clones i want to use as mothers. they are in rockwool, the section i setup for a couple of mothers is only under a dual bulb flouro and would be in soil in there.

Can i put them in soil and setup under my 600watt hps where the hydro setup is for a certain amount of time to get them large enough to take clones off then put them in the mothers area under this 4ft dual batton flouro light? or would this make them then stretch or go hermi or something? from going from a alot of high powered light to a pretty poor light in comparison. or does hermi only happen when flowering and they would only perhaps stretch?

what would u do?



Well-Known Member
hey bro i wouldnt use the HPS for veging try and fine a MH you'll be glad you did if you want a couple mothers HPS will streach and elongate your stems(once there strech its a bitch to correct) after the get big enough to take clones off of putting them under floros wont hurt just slow there growth and if you have the light to high the will streach for it to so keep the light about 2 to 4 " away at all times best of luck to you keep us posted


Active Member
Hi PKNL thanks for the reply, i was planing on getting the conversion type bulb, but i mean i have the clones right now and dont have that bulb now, would it be ok to put them under the flouro and then in a few days when i get the conversion bulb put them under that, then back to flouro in mothers area at a later stage once i have have taken clones and have clones growing in my main hydro/veg area?

what would happen to a mother thats been vegged under a mh conversion bulb then put under a flouro? just slows the growth or stress it out and turn hermi or something?