First Grow- Green Crack & Purple Kush Indoor Soil


I started these two female clones with a T-5 light for a few weeks. I recently purchased a 600 watt digital ballast and a metal halide bulb with a reflector hood. I lined most of my space with reflective plastic. I also bought a 6 " in-line fan. I put the plants in a drain basin and they are in felt pots. I alternate waterings with a cod-based nutrient which I also use to spray the leaves a few times a day. I have recently begun attempting to top them. I think I have done a couple right anyway.. In a couple of weeks I will be buying a HPS bulb and begin flowering. Any tips or advice would be GREATLY appreciated. Here are the pics:

ABOVE VIEW: (the boogie board is to deflect the powerful fan from blowing so intensely onto the plant.






Well-Known Member
Looks very nice, plants look pretty and strong, join the doggie nutes thread, good peeps general talk and lots of vets to answer questions for you.


Well-Known Member
Looks great man, Subbed up and some rep for ya to get you started.

im no pro grower but i have a journal as well if you want to check it out feel free :)
the link is in my sig


Well-Known Member
whats up man , for doing it ur first time u picked some top notch stains , thats a very good thing . im subbed too. if u want check out my journal . in my opinion if ur gonna just keep those 2 in that spot all the way thru veg and bloom i would top them about 5 or 6 nodes up then clean the little branches off the bottom , try to train 4 main branches then u try to tie em a little to open the 4 branches and when it hits like 2 ft switch over to bloom , it will have to be vegged a couple extra weeks but u will probably get double in the end as opposed to just leting them get 2 ft strait up not topped then bud. being that ur only dealing with 2 they will be easy to train and it will be alot more rewarding in the end . good look and nice to meet ya!


I've been trying to top them. I think I'm doing it right. I believe I see some new tops starting. I will take some close-ups and maybe you can tell me if I'm doing it right. And please give me a little more info on how I should train them.


Well-Known Member
ok so think of the futer... what u want from ur girls, to get it then u have to act now , i dont know how much knowlage u have on the subject so im gonna try to make it easy. ummm ok where u are right now u dont really see the branches coming out yet, but where each fan leaf off ur main stem , the upper armpit is gonna make a branch , so from the dirt go up about 8 or 10 leaves like 4 or 5 opposing branches then snip above that so u cut off the main stem above those leaves then u wait a few days to a week and u will have little branches at each fan leaf. once they get 3 or 4 inches long they will be like pic 2 , what u do is , at the dollar store get a pack of pipe cleaners or string or peices of wire and loop it around the branches kinna loosely then pull it down to the pot and tie it , this will force them to grow out instead of up also ur branches get stronger trying to fight their way up. as they get bigger i dont like to top em again just let those 4 or 6 mains go up and clean up everything else on the bottom so all the growth is up top, i clone all those little branches from the bottom but u may just wanna throw them out? well once u see ur strongest 4 or 5 or 6 branches cut all the others but those ,like pic 1 , once they get like pic 4 u just letem go up once they hit 2 or 3 ft u bud em then u have 2 big girls instead of 2 tall girls.. hope that helps man if not lemme know, also look in the forum section in advanced cultivation and read the first few pages of "Uncle Bens topping method to get 4 main tops"


Thanks for all the info! It sounds a bit daunting being a newb but I may just try that. I have also considered just letting them kinda grow somewhat naturally the first time just to get a feel of the growth cycle a little more. You think I should attempt your method?


Well-Known Member
you do what u want and i dont mean that as a smart ass , but if u take all my experience rolled into one which may not be saying much lol , but this is what i do now ... i wish i was doing it since the begining ... it took alot of reading and pretty much , if u want more bud , u need a wider or larger plant than your area , so to make up me make one plant grow like 4 plants off one root system . hope it helps but im no pro. but most, most most of the pros top atleast once some more and most ppl indoors train, out doors it dont matter but indoors u want the most bang for ur buck right? well just a little more work will pay off in the end.... if u just want to see it grow natural, go right ahead but u want but ,,,,,,,,, train a little... peace brother


Well you convinced me! I was just a little intimidated at first, but you have given me the confidence to try it. I just hope I don't mess anything up. LOL. I'll keep you posted and will be kind of depending on your guidance. Thanks a million buddy! :D


Well-Known Member
dude , u can bend and tie and manipulate ur plants like bonzai , rather than it hurting them it trains them to be little wieght liffting champions lol and ill be here... shit i aint got nothing else to do....LOL i love my life!!!!!


I'm definitely gonna go with your experience and try to train them. So I should tape a string to each branch that looks like it will be a top and cut all the small growth at the bottom of the plants (which I will also use to try and clone). Is that right? Sorry if I sound like I'm asking dumb questions, I'm just wanting to get it just right. Thanks! :D


Well-Known Member
ok i looked back at ur girls and they are already kinda tall, so starting from the dirt going up count about 6 little STRONG branches, u will notice some are thicker than orthers the thicker the better .if ur first 2 are scragaly dont count em, and if u dont really need the clone dont worry just cut it off and toss them little branches,BUT , if u want a couple clones those will be good., then go up about 6 branches and CHOP cut ur main stem close to the top of good branch 6 . dont worry about tying the little branches down for a couple of days just let them bounce back., i like to get pipecleaners from dollartree but other stuff works, then in 3 days or so start pulling them down and out like ur spreading out the 6 main branches.should be something like this>> when it gets bigger View attachment 1937497


My computer crashed so I've been without one for awhile. Sucks ass. Anyway, I'm almost 4 weeks into flowering. Looking pretty good I think. I've got a nice pic that my buddy took of the Purple Kush. I'll take some more of both soon.
