first grow, help please!!! :D


im about to start my first grow and have everything sorted...i just need some help choosing soil and nutes etc...

i live in the uk and dont have access to fox farm -___-

what is a good soil to use to put the plants in and what nutrients should i use through its life?

i was watching a video on youtube and they were saying to use normal potting soil and mix it with perlite, building sand and worm castings?

also what nutrients should i use and how often? :o

any info would be appreciated as i need to get this right first time because i need to get as much oil from the plant as possible to help cure someone's cancer, thanks :D


Well-Known Member
1/3 peat moss, 1/3 perlite or vermiculite, and 1/3 compost is a good mix to start out. Ideally, try to use different types of compost and mix everything together. Then build a simple raised bed that's at least 3'x3' or bigger (and six inches tall) or fill a plastic kiddy pool and add holes for drainage. I learned this mix from Mel's Square Foot Gardening Book. The great thing about it is you can find the materials just about anywhere or in any country I should say and you don't need any fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
vindicated has a good base mix that pot loves. and you can mix your worm castings in with it as well.. coffee grounds are rich in "N" as well so mix some of that in.. if you prepair your soil properly you will not need to feed untill flower. and even then it might not be necessary..


so if im using 1/3 perlite, 1/3 potting soil & 1/3 peat moss how much worm castings should i add?

and also can you tell me what nutes i should use during flowering, remember im in the uk and cant get hold of a lot of stuff you guys use....



Well-Known Member
I think an equal part of the castings should be good as well.. but dont quote me on that.. pesonally I use a mix of fish guts, chicken manure and castings along with my compost.. couldnt help you with nutes. I only use compost tee that I make.. I do add sea kelp and molassis to the tea in flower..


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't need castings, but if you do, just keep the ratio around 5%-10% or apply as a soil drench like reggaerican suggested. When you shop for compost, double check the ingredients, because if it already has castings in it, it probably isn't worth adding more.

Another thing you could do is inoculate your seeds before you germinate them using a product like Great White. The way this is done is first you soak your seeds in a cup of water for 5-10 minutes, then you sprinkle a pinch of the product on a paper plate, roll the seeds so their nicely coated, then sow them into the ground or in your seed starting container. A free sample of Great White should be enough to inoculate a few dozen seeds. There are also other places to buy myco' powder that's cheaper then Great White if you look around. I believe is one such place. Haven't used them personally, but I've seen them recommended a few times on these boards.