First Grow, Help would be nice!


Hey guys I'm new to this web site, and I'm planing to do my first grow. : )

I was talking to my friend about growing and he said that some soils have nurients already in it, and I heard if you add to much nurtients the plan will die, and I was just wondering what type of soil should I get? and when to fertilize. I just want to grow 1-2 plants. PLEASE HELP IT WOULD MAKE ME HAPPY :d


Well-Known Member
You can go with Miracle Gro, you just have to watch out how often you water since the nutrients in the soil is released when you water. Lots of people will tell you Miracle Gro is shit, that's because they have never used it and only believe what friends of their friends have told them. Most of growing is experimenting. Trying out how much of different elements your plant can handle and what helps.


Well-Known Member
That's soil sorted! (For a "miracle" it sure is divisive!;-))
She's going to stink if the Bubbelicious I've smoked is anything to go by. With 1 plant you could make your own carbon filter imo (threads on how to on RIU somewhere), by then you should be a growing addict so making your own will be much fun!! lol! Really!