I water them until a bit of run off every other day or so depending on how dry it gets, I haven’t check PH fox farm ocean soil , fox farm trio yes. I’ve only given one dose of grow big after 30 days from last transplant
Thank you!
So ocean forest soil has a good dose of nutes in it. Your plants aren't real big compared to the pot size so it's doubtful they used up all the nutes in the mix yet. One dose of the 3 part in a month shouldn't give you a toxicity; IF it wasn't mixed too strong. What kind of filtered water? Do you know the PPM of it?
Watering every other day isn't great for them. Your RH is 68% in the pic and those pots are a good size; they should only need fluids once a week.
So first thought is that they might be waterlogged due to your watering method.
Second though is they haven't been drained properly. Roots are two ways; they give off wastes that need to be flushed.
Third is you have a PH imbalance that is locking up nutrients in your soil.
I would mix up a large batch of water and PH it 5.8-6.0 and saturate each pot until it just starts to drain. Then I'd flush each one real well with water and check the runoff for PH and PPM. Then I'd go away until they got real light; like a week. I'd probably mix up a batch of the foxfarm next and put that to them but you have to put the fert on the same way as the water. Saturate the pot and then run a good amount through it to wash the root zone. It's how I do it anyway.