1: I start from clones 27 of febr ,and i put 8 clones under a 400 hps , and wait the roots get move long,

2: 7 of march i put the clones in a bigger pot ,but i do mistake to use normal pot ground, and overwatered a lot,also light very near.

3: after transplanting was not so quikly growing, than i decide to put all polants in coco, ( but the sticky heart make the bulbroots very silly and weak)

after few days in coco things start to be normal, also i put light more up and fix up all grow room with a proper exctraction and ventilation.

4: i start to give them terravega and rezotonic for roots,7ml + 7ml i mix them two product, i put two trhree times the boost in a sparkling water, plants look they like it, also i start spray with sparkling water the leaf in the time im home. TEMPERATURE 26 29 degree and humidyty from 50 to 70 %.

5: now is 27 march and plant are good but still i think they grow bit slow, can u help me mb to have same good tips? now is 4 weeks after put little clones under light 400 w (it colud be the plant get a shock to go from dark straight under 400 hps.... what u think?

6 : i top 2 plant and i let the other normal, my intention is to full fill the screen, you think 3 or 4 more weeks? what should i do for a good scrog? let them gro the biggest i can? u think 4 weeks enough? i had to calculate also 2 weeeks from the flowering, were plants stretching still.

7: how i have to watered the plant? is good 7 ml in 1,5 liter water for 6 plant 1 time every two days???

tanx for read and hope somebody reply me and help me in my work.

bless up

ps: moby dick, royal haze, cheese
what you suggest to do right now? should i continue like this or should i change pot more big?

you think 3 weeks enough to change time?

please help, tanx
Gain as much knowledge as you can through reading, the rest you should pick up through trial and error.

The road is long and whilst your patience maybe short in time your efforts will be rewarded.. probably :)
tanx a lot for reply, tomorrow i will buy a bigger pots and transplanting the babys.

you think they will get a shock? i will try to just no damage nutting and bring them in a bigger place.

tanx a lot.

the rest you think is good?

i know i had to wait a bit.... thats what i will do, i will post more picture about my growroom



Well-Known Member
Not if u wet the medium they r in now before u gingerly pull the rootball out, preferably in a dark place(light is bad for roots, if exposed to it), and put in in a nice, well mixed, nute-balanced soilin a bigger container, they shouldn't have any noticable stress...