First grow, how are they looking


Well-Known Member
Looking good for a first run! Just remember, flower time and curing is not the time to get impatient. You've come this far, let them mature properly, do a nice cure and I think you'll be quite happy with the end results.


Well-Known Member
i can nopt tell but the look like they getting lighter from top to bottom. like a little over watering. bad drainage.slight root damage( but you in coco or something) along them lines or is it the camra light and angle


Well-Known Member
ok im back on the laptop. women and that facebook crap. chat crap book..anyway you need a real exp grower i can see i fe issues. such as claw maybee over watering. there is a cal/mad problem. maybe both.


cheers for feed back. i did suspect i was over watering so this has confirmed. im not going to water as much and take it from there