First Grow / Hows it Look!!! (PICS)


Well-Known Member
Well I'm in the middle of my first grow (2 plants) And I was curious as to what all you "experts" think. Any info will be very appreciated. First some info my box, it is 5.5' high, 36" wide and 24" deep. I have 4 Florescent tube lights and 15 CFL's placed in various places. One of my plants is around 4.5' tall and the other is 4' or so. I'm into the the flowering phase by about 3 weeks. My tall one is well in to budding but my smaller one is starting to show good signs of bud. I think one is indica and the other is sativa. Anyways tell me what you think, and what I should do different. Thanks a bunch. PS, I am thinking of going over to HID's next time but heat is a problem in the middle of summer and I was thinking that HID's would get to hot. Anyway if I can use HID's how big of one should I use in a space that size? Thanks again...



Active Member
Yeah get the cfl's closer to the foilage on the plants, and get a fan blowing directly onto the plants you will get bigger and denser buds. Note that if the gaps in between the fan leaves do not fill out then the grow was not done properly.:leaf:


Active Member
They're looking good for a first grow, but as they said above get the lights within 2in of the plant and get the fan lower, otherwise good job. If you can get an HPS for the next grow, I highly recommend it (did CFLs on my first, HPS on my second..big difference in density/vigor).


Well-Known Member
Would a 250w HPS Generate more or less heat than all the CFL's I'm running right now. Also, can anyone tell me how much I can expect to spend one on and where is a good place to get one?


Well-Known Member
all lights put out the same amount of heat if they use the same amount of watts. id say you are using at least 250 watts of power right there correct? there would be no difference in heat.