First grow- hows she look?


Well-Known Member
Hey gang. This is my girl, shes in her 5th week flowering & I was just curious how much longer you cats might think itll be before harvest.

Shes on 12/12 with a 250 hps... FF soil & some natural fertilizers.

Its a white widow in case you couldnt tell. This is my first grow so Im practically druelling (if thats how you spell it).. any suggestions or tips?

thanks! :peace:



Active Member
Hey gang. This is my girl, shes in her 5th week flowering & I was just curious how much longer you cats might think itll be before harvest.

Shes on 12/12 with a 250 hps... FF soil & some natural fertilizers.

Its a white widow in case you couldnt tell. This is my first grow so Im practically druelling (if thats how you spell it).. any suggestions or tips?

thanks! :peace:
how far into flowering
about 3-4 weeks?

look pretty bushy and green


Well-Known Member
very healthy looking plant bro! How long did you veg for? If she's at 5 weeks 12/12 you should only have like 3, maybe 4 more weeks till chop time. Flush 2 weeks prior with staight water. Keep an eye on your trich's...they'll tell you when she's ready. Two things...harvest the trichs when they're milky white for a cerebral high...or you can harvest when trichs are 50/50 cloudy/amber for that intense couch lock stone.


Well-Known Member
bushy and green is want you want lol

let me know how the smoke is bro

awesome.. thanks gang. I vegged her for only like 6 weeks or so. When you say wait til the trichs are amber/milky (cuz Im looking for couch-lock), I could only see that under a microscope, right?

Or are you referring to those white hairs that are poking out from the buds?:peace:


Well-Known Member
awesome.. thanks gang. I vegged her for only like 6 weeks or so. When you say wait til the trichs are amber/milky (cuz Im looking for couch-lock), I could only see that under a microscope, right?

Or are you referring to those white hairs that are poking out from the buds?:peace:
the trichs are referred to as crystals...that's the'll need to get at least a 30x power magnification scope. They sell em' cheap at Radio Shack I heard...
Just remember...50/50 for the couch lock...if it goes over, which can happen very quickly, the THC levels start degrading, losing its potency.