First grow ideas any help would be awsome


Active Member
Alright first id like to introduce my self Im cantstop( Im not stupid enough to put my name on the internet on a site like this no matter how high I get) anyways as for my story I just want to grow for me and my buds( haha pun) to enjoy. I have never grown before (many people say it takes a genius to grow) Well sense I am a person who wont let a no die without trying I decided to give it a try but here my solution if your still reading this thank you for your patience and may all the buds you smoke from now on be from the highest of strains.
My roommate would not like the idea of me growing in the place I live so I shall take my grow outdoors, but I am an indoors man and it would be dang near impossible for the season right now but I have an idea that wont be in effect for quite some time, but I would like to study so I don’t fu.....screw up. So I am going to wait until April to move outside, but im making a custom secret grow box
Misty seeds(A high strain I have found thats is easy to grow)
Lamps(I have no clue yet, but i heard red and blue fluorescent ones are good, any suggestions would be helpful)
Hydroponics system(I love dro and it seems just like a smarter way to grow)
Wood (To make my box, if there is any wood that is stronger or intakes less moisture the advice would be helpful)
Tin foil(I heard this helps reflects the light for the plant gets more light)
Fan(To help my babies get lots of air so they don't choke)
Special nutrients for hydro system (nutrition for my plants)
I cannot think of anything more at this time, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Master Plan:

I am planning on going outside and building a box. I am not sure how big yet or what kind of wood, but I am planning on growing one or two plants. I am going to make the box perfectly airtight cutting a hole in back big enough for a small fan to circulate air. then I shall put tinfoil in the inside of the box everywhere but the hand fan. I then shall put up the lights I heard they make an adaptor that you can put lights into, and the lightbulbs runs on batteries I acctually havent checked if thats true, but I hope it is otherwhys I have to go and get a generator :(. Then I shall set up my Hydro system( No clue what type as of yet any suggestians would be great:).


Please tell me if you think I am completly psycho if this is a stupid Idea, but please just give suggestians of any little thing you can think of. I want my first grow to work.(Even though everyone except god himself is against me) So come on guys help a friend out and reply, to see if I can do it or not.
if your going to go hydro, i'd stay inside, no worthwhile lights are going to run on batteries. lets start with the tin foil, your better off with white paint, or mylar. as for your lights a cheaper option is compact floro's, HID of course for better, if your going to move outside you should stay with soil, and sunlight!

also the box is going to need more then 1 hole, it needs an intake and an exhaust.
Alright first id like to introduce my self Im cantstop( Im not stupid enough to put my name on the internet on a site like this no matter how high I get) anyways as for my story I just want to grow for me and my buds( haha pun) to enjoy. I have never grown before (many people say it takes a genius to grow) Well sense I am a person who wont let a no die without trying I decided to give it a try but here my solution if your still reading this thank you for your patience and may all the buds you smoke from now on be from the highest of strains.
My roommate would not like the idea of me growing in the place I live so I shall take my grow outdoors, but I am an indoors man and it would be dang near impossible for the season right now but I have an idea that wont be in effect for quite some time, but I would like to study so I don’t fu.....screw up. So I am going to wait until April to move outside, but im making a custom secret grow box
Misty seeds(A high strain I have found thats is easy to grow)
Lamps(I have no clue yet, but i heard red and blue fluorescent ones are good, any suggestions would be helpful)
Hydroponics system(I love dro and it seems just like a smarter way to grow)
Wood (To make my box, if there is any wood that is stronger or intakes less moisture the advice would be helpful)
Tin foil(I heard this helps reflects the light for the plant gets more light)
Fan(To help my babies get lots of air so they don't choke)
Special nutrients for hydro system (nutrition for my plants)
I cannot think of anything more at this time, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Master Plan:

I am planning on going outside and building a box. I am not sure how big yet or what kind of wood, but I am planning on growing one or two plants. I am going to make the box perfectly airtight cutting a hole in back big enough for a small fan to circulate air. then I shall put tinfoil in the inside of the box everywhere but the hand fan. I then shall put up the lights I heard they make an adaptor that you can put lights into, and the lightbulbs runs on batteries I acctually havent checked if thats true, but I hope it is otherwhys I have to go and get a generator :(. Then I shall set up my Hydro system( No clue what type as of yet any suggestians would be great:)..

first of all for your box, your going to need an intake and a out take, if you will. you will want a small air intake on the lower part of the box, and then a fan blowing out on the top part of the box. this will keep your heat down, and provide air circulation.
next, no way will you get lights to run on batteries. you should go buy some cfl light ( the spiral bulb) they are cheap and effective. also buy a reflector sheild, ( you screw the bulb into reflector, and it cast the light down). reflectors are also cheap.
and no i dont think you are psycho, i think this is a very possible idea, with a few changes.
if you cant use much electricity, hydro may not be the way to go. soil might be better for your situation. soil also requires a little less dedication than hydro. hope my knowledge helps.
Alright thank you for not thinking im psycho. I need help bad because this is my first grow, and I did post this in a few areas because it appylied to those places to, and im bringing the box outside i wrote my roomate doesnt like pot so i cant grow inside, but someone told me solar panels work really good and ya Im probly should just go with soil and white paint to but i heard it darkens them and makes them useless, and i want this for future grows also, thank you guys for the light ideas those are appriciated, and if you can think of anything else pm or just post.
well first off, let me thank you on your bessings of cannabosity. lol i how every strain i smoke is dank from now on 2. ummm well here is a question. why would u build a box, outside, to put 2 plants inside to grow? i mean not only does it not make any sence but it would look pretty suspicious. i mean if i was just some joe shmoe i'd wonder why is there a box in the middle of nowhere and when i found out whats inside i'd either take it or tell the athorities.your better off doing the box inside. if your growin that little amount. its not worth the risk of going outside and planting 2 plants because outside has so many diffrient elemts you have to worry about. animals eating them. buggs, bacteria, fugi, people seeing you. basicly what im saying is its too much of a risk for jus 2 plants. now if u said you were growing 5 plants and up, then ill say go for it. hell ill even help you. but for u to say u that u jus growing 2, its really not worth it. so take that box inside, make it stealth and you won't have to wait until april. hope i helped some.