first grow in over a year...soil to hydro. post if you like.


I've been doing soil for a while, so i figured it was time for a change. a friend of mine let me borrow a flood table (3x3), so that kinda made up my mind. I've been sweeping, and lugging around dirt for long enough! i wanted to do something that i got a challenge out of, but also cut down on the overall labor and expense of growing. hydro has cost me a bit to get going, but I'm buying it one piece at a time so its not too bad. i built an aerocloner, which i had never used before, and filled it with tangerine clones. worked great once i got the res temps dialed in, but it leaked like a of the clones rooted faster than all the rest, so i put together a bubble bucket and let her rip. today i transplanted 8 clones into hydroton, and placed them into my table. all the plants that are in pots were cut at the same time. prob going to veg for a week or so then flip the switch. once the tray is full and done flowering, ill prob switch to a RDWC system as i already have all the parts and tools to build one. there are 12 more cuttings on deck that have been down for a week, and looking good.
i appreciate any positive feedback, or suggestions. keep all negative opinions to yourself.IMG_4341.JPG



Well-Known Member
Nice. I have a 6x3 and always regretted it wasn't two three by threes instead.

I'd cover the exposed parts of the table, especially the flood and drain end so you don't get algae.

That's quite an air pump.

You only going with the t5s?


whats up? yeah, i went big on the air pump b/c i've been thinking bout a DWC system, just wanted to make sure that i had enough juice to get the job done. the water in the res and bucket are boiling! good point about covering the rest of the table, i have some mylar laying around prob do it tonight. you can't see it but i have a 1000w light hanging above the t5, i also have a devider for the tent to turn it into 2 rooms. in the coming weeks i plan to build a table for the table so res changes are not such a pain. i'm using GH flora nova nutes, with hygrozyme, liquid karma, floralicious, and will be adding koolbloom at the end. i want to put some roots xcelerator in the mix too, but that stuff is expensive.

also, I'm flooding the system every 4 hours. how does this sound?
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