First Grow. Indoor.


Active Member
Well This is gonna be my first grow. My closet is pretty big so I set up everything in here. Only thing is there is no wall in the middle. There are 2 sections to the closet both with their own doors. I'm a california card holder so I went to the store to buy clones. When I got them they were about 3 1/2 to 4 inches. that was about 2 weeks ago. The strain is white widow (hybrid i/s mix) I'm guessing that they'll grow to be about 50 tall at the end of flowering. I'm using fox farm grow big fertilizer and fox farm ocean forest soil. They seem to love it. Tell me what you guys think. I'm open to all suggestions and criticism. Please help me get better.



Well-Known Member
You have done your grow properly and have the mylar close in and a good looking vented hood, square pots to maximize root area. Usually I find things that could be better but you've got it down, even the soil and nutes are great.

Maybe add ducting and fan to vent the hood so you can get the light even closer? That's all I can think of.


Well-Known Member
i'm using some of those hangers that make it really easy to get my lights as close to my babies as possible, it makes life waay easier. i'm doing pretty much the same grow as you, i'm in CA too i just picked up a clone of white widow too! haha wish i had gone to your dispensary tho the place i went to was BUNK, anyways i'm hoping it'll pull thru but either way i have 5 different strains that are looking good, 3 of which i just put into flower. check it out if you like on my sig. good luck!


Active Member
Thanks I been scrapping the funds together for a fan and ducting unfortunately rent is here and I have to wait a little while longer. I'll keep posting.


Active Member
How long should I veg?
Does strain matter? Will the plant tell me when its ready?
I'm in day 16 of veg.


Well-Known Member
i only vegged for 16 days from the time i put the germinated seed into a soil plug. they were about 5-6 inches tall with about 5 sets of leaves.


Active Member
Right now their about 10 in tall. I was going to wait to force into flowering around 15-20 inches tall. I think tha'td be good cause I expect them to double in size. Am I wrong?


Well-Known Member
i've heard they double to triple in size. mine were a foot to a foot and a half when i put em into flower, i've got about 4 feet of usable space so i think that should be good. if you let em veg longer you'll end up with more bud, it just takes longer


Active Member
I'll probably let em veg out for a bit longer than maybe another 2 weeks or
so then I'll start to flower.

I checked my babies again this morning and just like every morning I check
them they've exploded with growth again. I't crazy how obvious it that I
almost believe my eyes are playing tricks on me. I'll put up more pics next
week just to everyone can see.


Active Member
Another Question. When should I, If I should, crop the tops off? What are the benefits of cropping?


Well-Known Member
i didn't do it and this is my first grow, but from what i've read its good if you've got height restrictions and you'll end up with a fatter but smaller plant, where you cut 2 colas come out...


Active Member
i like your setup, need to figure out how to put pictures up, have a great closet setup.


Well-Known Member
hey, how difficult is it to get your medicinal license in cali? i wanna move there and that would be a big incentive for me ^^


Active Member
i didn't do it and this is my first grow, but from what i've read its good if you've got height restrictions and you'll end up with a fatter but smaller plant, where you cut 2 colas come out...

I give it a hot next time. For now I think I'll try to just finish with a good smoke without making things to complicated .


Active Member
i like your setup, need to figure out how to put pictures up, have a great closet setup.

Thanks. I've wanted to grow for a long time so I decided to do it right or not at all. I went on youtube, RIU, and some others just for a general picture. Then I just didn't spare expense. That was the big thing.


Active Member
hey, how difficult is it to get your medicinal license in cali? i wanna move there and that would be a big incentive for me ^^
Dude its so much easier than you think it is. There are actually certain doctors that do nothing all day, except write prescriptions. A lot of people come in for nausea, arthritic pain, trouble sleeping, panic attacks, all sorts of reasons. Then you have the hard cases like aids, cancer, and others. Really helps people going through chemo. State law says I'm allowed to grow and smoke medicinal marijuana. I love prop 215.


Active Member
I'll be posting more pics later. My babies started to droop a little today. Hopefully they'll be better tomorrow after I water em.